Getting to Know Your ColorgrafX X2 9Printer components (con’t)Operation panelThe printer’s operation panel is used to control theprinter.Note: The operation panel can over-ride a print jobbeing received from a remote computer. Alwayscheck that there is not a job in progress beforeassuming control of the printer using the operationpanel.The operation panel includes the:• LCD display -- The LCD display shows thecurrent status of the printer. Menu items,parameters, or error messages are displayed onthe 20 characters x 4 rows LCD (Liquid CrystalDisplay).• Power LED, the top LED on the left side of theLCD display. When the printer is turned on, thegreen LED is lit and is dark when the printer isoff.• Ready LED, the second LED from the top.When the printer is ready, the green LED is litand is dark when the printer is not ready.• Error LED, the third LED from the top. Whenthe printer is in error status, the red LED is litand the printer stops.• Warning LED, the bottom LED on the left sideof the LCD display. When the printer is inwarning status, the red LED is lit.Note: LEDs 3 and 4 are also used to indicate a lowmedia status. If the media roll contains 20% or lessmedia, the associated LED will flash.• The right and left arrow buttons, located atthe bottom of the operation panel. They areused to select menu options within a menu level.