8 1 Using Emulation1.2 About FontsThis section explains the fonts that can be used in the ESC/P emulation mode.Usable FontsThe following fonts can be used in ESC/P emulation.Outline FontsChinese fonts• ShuSongTi• FangSongTi• KaiTi• HeiTiEuropean fonts• Roman• Sans Serif• OCR-BUser-defined Fonts (Specially Registered Fonts)User-defined fonts (specially registered fronts) can be used on this printer. User-definedfonts can be stored only in memory. This means that they are erased from memory whenthis printer is switched off. Note, however, that when an optional hard disk is installed,user-defined fonts are stored on hard disk, and are held even if this printer is switched off.The amount of user-defined fonts that can be saved registered on hard disk is the same aswhen they are stored to memory.User-defined fonts are registered as bitmap fonts. User-defined fonts are not sharedbetween print languagesFont CacheTo ensure high-speed printing, outline fonts are cached if they are not too large.Outline fonts are converted to bit map data temporarily and then printed. To minimize thisprocessing time, the processed bit map data is saved in the memory.This process is called font cashing.The saved bit map data is erased at power-off or system reset.