Operation2–12 975-0401-01-01Performing An EqualizationTo equalize your batteries:1. Check the battery electrolyte level. If necessary, refillwith distilled water only. All the cells should have similarelectrolyte levels. If the levels are widely different, it willinfluence the relative concentration of acid, therebyaffecting the specific gravity measurements. If distilledwater is added, batteries must undergo a complete chargecycle.2. Program or initiate an equalize cycle, if all banks are ineither float or rest mode.CAUTION: Risk of equipment damageTurn off or disconnect all DC loads on the battery duringequalization. The voltage applied to the battery during equalizationmay be above safe levels for some loads but the absolute maximumis 16 V for 12 Vdc chargers and 32 V for 24 Vdc chargers withinoperational temperature range.If this level of equalization voltage does not comply with thebattery manufacturer’s recommendation, DO NOT EQUALIZE.WARNING: Risk of fire, burn, or explosionUse proper precaution when working with batteries. Wear proper,non-absorbent gloves, complete eye protection, and clothingprotection. Avoid touching your eyes and wiping your foreheadwhile working near batteries.If battery acid contacts skin, wash the affected area immediatelywith water. If acid enters your eye, immediately flood it withrunning cold water for at least twenty minutes and get medicalattention immediately.Important: Remember that all connected batteries willundergo the equalization. If only one bank is intended to undergoequalization then the other banks must be disconnected prior toequalization.