VCA event record: Configure the record schedule once the VA event is activated from the IPC.VCA only: Elite NVR records only VA event.VCA off: Elite NVR doesn't recognize VA event as real event.VCA+MD: Elite NVR recognize VA event and motion event both as an event. Send E-mail: Elite NVR sends email once VA event recognised. Attach snapshot: Select either attaching snapshot onto notification email or not. VCA popup: When the VCA event happens, event channel will be changed to full screen. VCA popup dwell: Configure the duration for VCA POPUP. VCA icon display: Elite NVR will display the VA icon on live screen. VCA box display: Elite NVR will display the VA box on live screen. VCA zone display: Elite NVR will display the VCA zone on live screen. Buzzer: Configure the buzzer on /off when the VA event is triggered. Relay: Configure the relay on/off when the VA event is triggered. VCA push alarm: Configure the push alarm on/off when the VA event is triggered.4.1.5 Instant BackupClick following icon, the instant Backup menu will be pop up. You can save the data 10 minutes fromthe current time.14