VARI❋LITE® - VL2000™ WASH LUMINAIRE U SER ’S M ANUAL22 17-Sep-02 02. 9671. 0001 ESet DMX ModeThe Series 2000 luminaires provide four modes for DMX operation. The mode is setusing the luminaire’s Menu Display.• 8-bit Standard - provides one 8-bit DMX channel for control of each luminairefunction.• 8-bit Enhanced - provides additional channels for timing control.• 16-bit Standard - provides 16-bit control for pan/tilt.• 16-bit Enhanced (default) - provides 16-bit control for pan/tilt and additionalchannels for timing control.To set the mode:Step 1. Press [Menu].Step 2. Press [Up] or [Down] button until DMX appears. Press [Enter].Step 3. Press [Up] or [Down] to until desired mode is reached (8, 16, E 8, or E16). Press [Enter] to set mode.Note: See “DMX Modes” on page 28 for more information.Note: Which mode is used may also be determined by the profile available in theDMX control console. For best control, response, smoothest movement andtransitions, the 16-bit Enhanced mode is recommended. The 8-bit modes are supportedfor older style consoles with a limited number of DMX channels available, and ifprofiles are not supported. The 16-bit mode is supported for DMX consoles that do notprovide access to the timing channels through either their architecture or their profiles.For more information see “Luminaire Timing Channel Information” on page 34.