Programming vacon • 2524-hour support +358 (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com55.4 Modbus TCP parameter descriptions5.4.1 Ethernet common settingsP5.X.1.1 IP ADDRESS MODESelectable alternatives are DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and Fixed.DHCP protocol gives IP addresses to new devices connecting to local network. This address is validfor a certain period of time. If no DHCP server is found an automatic random IP is given.A fixed IP address is specified manually and it does not change.When the mode is changed from DHCP to Fixed the addresses will readIP: mask: gateway: IP ADDRESSAn IP address is a series of numbers (like above) specific to the device connected to the Internet.P5.X.1.3 S UBNET MASKThe network mask marks all the bits of an IP address for the identification of the network and thesubnetwork.P5.X.1.4 D EFAULT GATEWAYGateway address is the IP address of a network point that acts as an entrance to another network.P5.X.1.5 MAC ADDRESSThe MAC address of the control board.MAC address (Media Access Control) is a unique address given to each network host. It is noteditable.5.4.2 Modbus TCP settings5.4.2.1 Common settingsP5.X.2.1.1 C ONNECTION LIMITDefines how many clients can access the server simultaneously.P5.X.2.1.2 U NIT IDENTIFIERThe Modbus ‘slave address’ field usually used on Modbus Serial Line is replaced by a single byte‘Unit Identifier’.On TCP/IP, the Modbus server is addressed using its IP address; therefore, the Modbus UnitIdentifier is useless.P5.X.2.1.3 C OMMUNICATION TIME-OUTModbus initiates a communication error if the Ethernet connection is lost. Communication time-outparameters define the minimum delay between packages received from the client. The timer isreset and started after each received package. This parameter can be used if the client isperiodically polling the slaves.P5. IDM AP IDSSee Chapter