52 User Manual♦ NameName of ship, 20 characters.♦ MMSIMaritime Mobile Service Identity.♦ MMSI numberA unique 9 digit number that is assigned to a DSC radio station. It prima-rily registers the boat information in the U.S. Coast Guard’s national dis-tress database for use in emergency situations.♦ Active TargetTarget located within the Activation Range. Active target is represented byoriented triangle with COG and Heading vectors. Rate of turn may also bedisplayed.♦ Dangerous TargetTarget detected by CPA or TCPA Alarm. Dangerous target is Active Targetby definition. For better visibility Dangerous Target symbol is flashing.♦ Sleeping TargetTarget located outside the Activation Range. Sleeping target is representedby a small oriented triangle.♦ Lost TargetWhen the AIS info is not received from that vessel for 3.5 minutes. Thepresentation will be a flashing black triangle with a cross through.♦ Activation RangeRange around your boat where targets become active. AIS target becomeactive within this range. Activation Range should be greater than CPA Limitby definition.NOTE A Target is removed from the screen if data is not received for 10 minutes.The maximum number of tracked Targets is 100.Depending on the scale the presentation of the Targets change to removeclutter on the screen.This information is updated every 3 seconds to 6 minutes depending on speedand rate of turn, enabling the track of the vessels in range to be plotted.Fig. 4.5 - AIS SymbolsAIS MenuTo configure the chart plotter to receive AIS data, follow the procedure:[MENU] + [MENU] + "AIS SETUP" + [ENTER]Display : Turns ON or OFF the display of AIS targets overlay on the cartography.Activation Range : Defines the range from the fix within which the AIS Target becomes active. The valuesallowed are from 0.1 to 20 Nm.CPA Alarm : Turns ON or OFF the alarm.CPA Limit : The values allowed are from 0.1 to 10 Nm.TCPA Alarm : Turns ON or OFF the alarm.TCPA Limit : The values allowed are from 1 to 30 min.