7.DIGITAL ZERO FUNCTION587. DIGITAL ZERO FUNCTIONThis function zeros the indicated value.Digital Zero by Key OperationDigital Zero by External Signal InputThe interval while the DZ input (9) and COM (8) on the signal input/output terminalboard at the back are short-circuited, the digital zero function works to zero the indicatedvalue.t1 : Time from the short-circuiting of the DZ input (OFF → ON) to when the indicatedvalue becomes 0t2 : Time from the input of the DZ input (ON → OFF) to when the indicated valuereturns to tracking1) Perform digital zero.2) When the indicated value becomes zero, digital zero is completed.ZEROSetting of Digital Zerot1TimeOFFONIndicated valueSensor inputDZt1,t2 : MAX 25mSt2Digital zero will not work when the calibration value LOCK isturned off.It only works when the calibration value LOCK is turned on.If you turn off the power, digital zero will be reset.