USR-K7 User Manual www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited 23 / 120 inquiry@usriot.comSteps:Put down the reload →power on →reload keep for 5s→ put up> 5SReloadVCCDiagram 4.1.3-1 Restore to Factory Setting StepWhen there are wronged parameters or forget the password, you can use hardware restore.Name InstrAT+RELD Restore to factory settingForm 4.1.3-1 Hardware Restore Factory AT Command4.1.4. Web ServerThe build-in webpage of the K7 same as the common webpage. User can check the related status of the modulevia webpage. Default port of the web server:80(can be modify, after modify, you can access the webpage via other port.Check the running status of the K71) Running time: determine the running time and whether restart.2) TX count(eth): determine how many data K7 send to internet.3) RX count(eth): determine how many data send to module from net4) Conn status(eth)A: connection status of the A to determine which status that K7 stay.Connection status: IDLE, LISTEN, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, ERRORIDLE: initial status, no connection and no listening. e.g. waiting connection of the short connection or original