USR-K7 User Manual www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited 13 / 120 inquiry@usriot.comworking at full speed.This product is developed on the basis of the hardware and software of serial to ethernet M4 series. The internalintegration of TCP/IP protocol stack, user can use it to complete the embedded device networking function easily,savingthe development process of human, material and development cycle, so that products can be faster into the market,enhance competitiveness.Passed the strict testing, K7 has successful case in Banks, highways, large corporate networks, busy webcamnetworks and complex network environments such as fiber-optic to Ethernet.2.2. Features Equipped with ARM cortex-M4, industrial width of temperature,TCP/IP protocol stack, more stable and reliable. 10/100Mbps net port, supports Auto-MDI/MDIX Supports TCP server, TCP client, UDP server, UDP client and HTTPD client work mode Build-in webpage where can set the parameters, also can customize webpage. The port of the webpage can bedefined Enable 485, and the serial port can work as 485 Supports RTS/CTS hardware flow control and Xon/Xoff software flow control Supports USR-VCOM Baud rate:600bps~1Mbps; and five parity way:none, odd, even, mark, space Supports modbus gateway Supports Reload button, hardware restore to factory setting RJ45 have Link/Data indicator, in the net port, there is Isolating transformer,1.5KB ESD The unique MAC in the world, and the user can self-defined Supports net upgrade firmware,DDNS, DHCP Supports keepalive, check dead connection and abnormal and reconnection Supports password and username, more safety