27SettingsPress SETINGS key (3 SECONDS / BEEP)VALVE MODESOFTENER UFTIME OF DAY12:01 PMYEAR2012MONTHAUGUSTDAY21SET HARDNESS20 GRAINSSET PEOPLE4SALT SETTINGHIGH EFFICIENCYSTANDARDIRON & MNWATER TYPEMUNICIPALWELL / OTHERREGEN TIME2:00 AMNAME STARPLUMBINGPHONE TEL (552)764-1234PROGRAMMINGCOMPLETECHANGE SETTINGSTo change settings press theSETTINGS key for 3 seconds.The first screen to be displayedwill be the TIME OF DAY. To ad-just the HOUR values, use theUP or DOWN key. To advance tothe MINUTE values, press theSETTINGS key again. After ad-justing each value using the UPor DOWN keys, continue advanc-ing to the next value or screen bypressing the SETTINGS key.TIME OF DAY, YEAR, MONTH,DAY,Time of day is for normal opera-tion of system and the schedulingof the regeneration time. Thedate is used in a diagnostic func-tion to track the last time the sys-tem regenerated.SET HARDNESSThis value is the maximum com-pensated water hardness ingrains per gallon of the raw watersupply. It is used to calculate thesystem capacity. If Ferrous Ironis present add 4 gpg for every 1ppm of Ferrous Iron.SET PEOPLEThis value is the number of peo-ple living in the home. It is usedto calculate the amount of waterneeded for daily use and the re-serve capacity of the system.SALT SETTINGChoose HIGH EFFICIENCY tominimize salt usage. Your sys-tem will regenerate a little moreoften but your salt usage can bereduced by 20% compared to theSTANDARD setting.IF YOU CHOOSE HIGH EFFI-CIENCY PLEASE CHANGE THECYCLE TIMES USING THEPROGRAMMING TABLE ONPAGE #42.Choose STANDARD (FACTORYSETTING) when you need tomaximize your capacity but stilloperate the system with good effi-ciency. THIS IS THE FACTORYSETTING. CYCLES TIMES FORSTANDARD ARE FACTORYSET.Choose IRON & MN if you haveproblem water containing theseminerals. The high salt settingwill be needed since these miner-als are more difficult to clean outof the resin bed. Note: A resincleaner will also need to periodi-cally added to the brine tank toinsure proper operation.IF YOU CHOOSE IRON & MNPLEASE CHANGE THE TIMESUSING THE TABLE ON PAGE#42.WATER TYPEThis setting will determine if theBACKWASH OVERIDE functionwill be on or off. Select WELL /OTHER if any Iron or Manganeseis present or if the water source isnot clean (< 1NUT turbidity). Thesystem will back wash every time.WELL/OTHER must be selectedon all Fusion Hybrid Water Sof-teners.REGEN TIMEThis setting determines the timeof day to perform a scheduledregeneration.The factory setting for WATER TYPE is WELL / OTHER. Do not adjust this setting until af-ter start-up is complete. If the setting is changed to MUNICIPAL before start-up, the backwash cycle will be skipped. The Fusion Hybrid Water Softeners will not be changed.Programming Instructions