28TROUBLE SHOOTINGTVDVDGameConsolesVCR/DVDRecorderConnectionsI have tuned in Digital TV but I am notreceiving any or all of the channelsand/or the channels I receiveare breaking upI have inserted a disc but it is not playingThe subtitles are switched onwhen I am watching a DVDI have connected my PS3 to the TVvia HDMI, but I am not receiving anypictures or sound on my PCI have connected my Xbox 360 to the TVvia Component Cables (Red, Green &Blue) but I am not receiving any soundI have connected the TV to my VCR orDVD Recorder via SCART but it is notrecordingThe television doesn’t have any outputsfor sound, however I would like toconnect to an external sound system1) Check you are in an area that can receiveFreeview. Visit www.freeview.co.uk or call08701111270.2) Check you are using an aerial that is able toreceive a good digital signal. In most cases, youwill need an outdoor digital hi-gain/widebandaerial. In areas that have excellent Freeviewcoverage, you may be able to use a loft type aerialbut it is highly likely that you will also need toconnect a booster between the back of the TV andthe TV aerial wall socket. Unfortunately, to receivea good enough digital signal, it is not possible touse a portable/indoor type aerial. This may changeonce the analogue signal is switched off in 2012and the Digital signal strength is increased.1) Ensure you have inserted put the disc infacing the correct way forward2) Ensure the disc is clean and is not scratched3) Some copied discs will not play.4) Check the DVD is a region 2 disc – tochange the region of the DVD player, referto section ‘Changing Regions’.Each time you press [Subtitles] button you switchbetween the different languages. Off is one of theoptions. If you still have subtitle on, accessthrough the DVD disc menu and switch off1) Ensure the TVs source is on HDMI2) Check your settings on your PS3 are as perthe PS3 instruction manualComponent cables only provide HD Pictures. Forthe sound you will need to connect the Red &White audio cables on the Xbox to Red & Whiteaudio inputs on the rear of the TV. Please referto the ‘Connecting to a console’ pages.In addition to connecting via SCART, you shouldconnect the aerial cable from the wall socket toyour VCR/DVD Recorder and another aerialcable from the VCR/DVD Recorder to the TVYou can purchase a SCART block with achangeable input/output switch. Then connectingthis to SCART and switching to output you canrun the Audio left/right to an external soundsystemIf you are still experiencing problems please contact the HelplineCustomer Support/Technical HelplineSky Media UK LTDTelephone: 0871 2000 463Email: service@skymediauk.co.ukVisit our web site www.skymediauk.co.uk for further Trouble shootingand frequently asked questions.