E658131546 Communication command2 (Communication Number : FA20, FA22)This command is enabled only when the communication command is enabled. Set Bit 15 of Com-munication Command 1 (communication Number: FA00, FA04) to “1” (enable). When enabling thecommunication command by Communication Command 1, commands by communication can begiven the priority irrespective of the setting of the command mode selection parameter ().However, if “48 (49): Forced switching from communication to local,” “56 (57): Forced continuousoperation,” or “58 (59): Specified speed operationj” is set by input terminal function selection( to ), the enabled command and frequency will be given the priority.Once enabled, this setting will be enabled till disable is set (0 setting), power is turned off or is reset,or factory default setting () is selected.Table 2 Data construction of communication command 2 (FA20, FA22)Bit Function 0 1 Remarks0 Control switching Speed control Torque control1 electric power quantityreset OFF Reset Electric power quantity(FE76, FE77) reset2 (Reserved)3 Braking request (BC) Normal Forcibly braked4 Preliminary excitation Normal Enabled5 Brake release (B) Brake applied Brake released6 Braking answer (BA) Brake applied Brake released7 Maximum decelerationforced stopNormal Enabled8 Acceleration/decelerationpattern selection 19 Acceleration/decelerationpattern selection 200: Acceleration/deceleration 101: Acceleration/deceleration 210: Acceleration/deceleration 311: Acceleration/deceleration 4Select Acceleration/ de-celeration 1 - 4 by combi-nation of two bitsAD1: , AD2: , AD3: , AD4: , 10 V/Fswitching 111 V/Fswitching 200: V/F 101: V/F 210: V/F 311: V/F 4Select V/F 1 - 4 by combi-nation of two bits12 Torque limit switching 113 Torque limit switching 200: Torque limit 101: Torque limit 210: Torque limit 311: Torque limit 4Select torque limit 1 - 4 bycombination of two bits14 Speed gain 1/2 Gain 1 Gain 2 Gain 1: , Gain 2: , 15 (Reserved)Note: The acceleration/deceleration change command ORs with Bit 6 of Communication numberFA00 and FA04.Set Bit 6 of FA00 and FA04 to “0” and use FA20 and FA22 when changing acceleration/decelerationin four types. Acceleration/deceleration 4 will be set when both Bit 8 of Communication numberFA20 and FA22 (or Bit 6 of Communication number FA00 and FA04) and Bit 9 of Communicationnumber FA20 and FA22 are set.