E6581315244.6. Examples of Communication programsAccording to the hardware configuration of the computer used, select a serial output port. To use anRS232C port on the computer, you will have to prepare an RS232C-RS485 conversion unit sepa-rately.An USB-RS485 conversion unit (USB0001Z) is available as our standard offering.Ex. 1: BASIC program for monitoring the output frequency continuously (RS232C, ASCII mode)(Toshiba version of Advanced BASIC-86 Ver. 3.01.05J)◊ Monitoring the output frequency continuously1) Examples of programs10 OPEN "COM1:9600,E,8,1" AS #1 --- 9600 baud, even parity, 8-bit length, 1 stop bit20 A$=”FE00” --- Specifies the communication number formonitoring the output frequency.30 PRINT #1,"("+”R”+A$+")" --- Transmits data to the inverter.Note: The carriage return code is addedautomatically.40 INPUT#1,B$ --- Receives data returned from the inverter.50 AAA$=“&H”+MID$(B$,7,4) --- Extracts only data items from the data re-turned.60 F$=LEFT$(STR$(VAL(AAA$)/100),6) --- Converts data into decimal form.70 PRINT " Output frequency =";F$+“Hz” --- Displays the output frequency.80 GOTO 20 --- Repeats.2) Examples of program execution results (stop command issued during 80 Hz operation)Output frequency = 80 Hz ...Output frequency = 79.95Hz::Output frequency = 0Hz