158 If Something Goes WrongDevelop good computing habits3 Under Restore settings, select Turn on SystemProtection.4 Click Apply.5 Click OK.6 In the input field, enter a name that is descriptive enoughto be easily understood in the future, such as “Beforeinstalling Brand X Accounting app.” Then click Create.The Windows operating system creates the restorepoint, automatically stamps it with the current date andtime, and displays a message that the restore point wassuccessfully created.7 Click Close.Then, at a later time, you can re-establish your Windowsconfiguration using the saved restore point.To do this:1 In the Search field, type Create a restore point. ClickCreate a restore point from the list that appears.The System Protection tab of the System Propertieswindow appears.2 Click System Restore...3 Click Next.4 Click the Restore point you wish to use, then click Next.The time stamp and description of each Restore point isdisplayed.At this point you can click “Scan for affected programs”to determine what the impact of using the chosenRestore Point will be.5 Verify that the Restore point you chose is the correctone. If it is not, click Back to return to the previous step.6 Close all programs and save all open files.7 Click Finish, and then Yes to begin the system restore.Your Windows operating system configuration will nowbe restored to the state it was in when the chosenrestore point was created, and then the computer will beautomatically restarted.NOTE