694444....2222....2222 Setting procedure(Add/Edit node)Example of Modbus RTU Master is shown below. Options may vary according to selected protocol.Right click on Node list and select “Add” to register new node, or right click on existing node and select “Edit”to edit existing node.Step 1. Select com port that you edit.Step 2. Select protocol and model.Step 3. Set options for node. Node address (number) and Node name should be unique in the port (youcannot use existing node name or node number).Step 4. Set communication options. These should be same to the other communicating devices connected tothe port.Step 5. Click “Add” to add new node, or click ”Apply” to edit settings of existing node. Note that if you click“Close”, the window is closed without saving of setting.1111. Select COM port 2222. Select “Modbus Master”3333. Set options4444. Set options