533333....3333....2222 Kinds of Ladder blockPower Up Logic blockThis block is executed only once when unit power is turned ON, and it is not executed afterwards.Main logic blockThis block is started after Power Up logic block and executed every scanning while PMIU unit is RUN or RUN-Fmode. You can refer Ladder scan time at SW 0048 (Ladder scan time).Operation image of Power-Up and Main logic blocks is shown as follow.Timer InterruptWhen interrupt timer is turned ON, other operation (execution of Main logic block, tasks etc) is suspended andthis block is executed. If execution of this block is completed, execution of Main logic block is resumed. Priorityis highest in all tasks/logic blocks. Interrupt interval can set by System parameter. Refer 3.5.SubroutineThis block is executed only when Subroutine call instruction is executed. While executing the subroutine block,processing of main block is stopped. If execution of this block is completed, execution of Main logic block isresumed. About detail, refer “Subroutine call” instruction of Ladder reference manual.I/O interrupt #1, #2This function is not available.