TC9314F2003-07-0330(4) Timer/counter modeWhen not using the IF counter, the block can be used as a timer or binary counter. Set theMANUAL, G0, and G1 bits to “1” to start binary counting using the 75 kHz frequency as the referenceclock.Setting the STPSTA/ bit to “1” resets the counter.2. IF Counter Circuit StructureThe IF counter block consists of an input amp, a gate timer control circuit, and a 20 bit binary counter.When the PLL is turned off, the IF counter is off. However, the block can still operate when set as atimer/counter.Note 32: The IF IN1 and IF IN2 pins incorporate amps. Connecting the pins via a capacitor permits low-amplitudeoperation.Frequency Measuring Auto Mode Frequency Measuring Mode