TC9314F2003-07-03105. Data Memory (RAM)Data memory is composed of 4 bit u 384 words and used for storing data.This 384 words are expressed with row address (5 bits) and column address (4 bits).320 words (row address 04H~17H) among the data memory are indirect addressing by G-register. Forthis reason, when carrying out data processing within this territory, it is necessary to designate rowaddress by G-register beforehand Area of 000H~00FH address in data memory is called general register,and can be used only by designating column address (4 bits). These 16 general registers can be used foroperation and transfer between data memories. Further, it can also be used as ordinary data memory.Note 8: The column address (4 bits) to designate general register becomes register number of the generalregister.Note 9: It is also possible to indirectly designate all of row address ( 00H~17H) by G-register.Note 10: 256 words (row address 00H~0FH) among the data memory are direct addressing by LD or STinstructions.Note 11: Indirect designation of row address (00H~17H) is also possible6. G-Register (G-REG.)G-register is a 5 bits register for addressing row address (DR 04H~17H) of 320 words in data memory.Content of this register is effective during executing MVGD instruction, MVGS instruction, and is notrelated with the execution of other instructions.This register is treated as one of the port, and its content is set by the execution of OUT1 instructionamong input and output instructions.(refer to register port item 1)Content of this register can directly setting by the execution STIG instruction.