Strata CTX Application Implementation Vol 3 10/07 5-1eMonitor/Alarm Notification 5Alarm Notification (AN) sends a notification of a system alarm condition. The notification can besent over a network connection to an eMonitor system, other application and, optionally, to a featurebutton on a telephone.eMonitor configuration capacity:• Each CIX system can send alarm trap messages to up-to 11 eMonitor servers.• Each eMonitor server can monitor an unlimited number of CIX systems.• Each eMonitor server can send email alerts to an unlimited number of mail boxes.• Each eMonitor can send emails to unique email addresses for each CIX system.The alarm notification is SNMP Trap data that can be sent to as many as 11 different IP addresses.Up to eight stations can have a button programmed as an Alarm Indicator. There are three categoriesof alarms: ISDN, T1, and System Resources.This section provides a description of Alarm types the Strata CIX system sends to eMonitor anddescribes how eManager R5.0 or later is used to set up the CIX system to send alarm notificationsto the eMonitor application.There are two types of SNMP messages sent to the external, eMonitor, PC or Server.• Alarm Notification when an error condition occurs.• Alarm Summary Condition Summary, containing the alarm buffer status, is sent every 10minutes whether an alarm has occurred or not. This summary includes the Alarm Buffer status.The table below shows the alarms that can be monitored by the Alarm Notification feature. The listis shown by alarm type.ISDN T1 System ResourcesISDN Loss of signal (PRI) T1 Yellow Alarm Expansion Cabinet Power FailureISDN Frame Sync Failure (PRI) T1 Blue Alarm Cooling Fan Failure (CIX200 only)ISDN AIS (PRI T1 Frame Sync Failure IPU Card Data Set Problem(LIPU or BIPU-M DSP)ISDN-U Maintenance Mode (BRI) SMDR Memory Buffer FullISDN-U EOC Maintenance Mode(BRI)CTI Link Down (Attendant Console, ACD,External Stratagy System)ISDN-U ACT (BRI) SMDR Link Down (LAN / RS232c)ISDN-U AIB (BRI) SMDI Link Down (LAN only -The SMDI RS232c port is not monitored)