TIC-LF494BField Intelligent Device SeriesSanitary Electromagnetic FlowmeterIntroductionSanitary electromagnetic flowmeters LF490 series aredesigned for applications handling food and beverages.Sanitary flowmeters must be structured in such a waythat operation and handling is simple, easy andthorough for the purpose of sanitary control such ascleaning (CIP/SIP), sterilization and drying. Thesanitary flowmeter has features provided with normalelectromagnetic flowmeters and by using sanitaryfittings for pipeline connections fluid does not remainin any place along the detector pipeline. Therefore, it isfit for flowrate measurement for food and beverages.The electromagnetic flowmeter uses Faraday’s Law ofelectromagnetic induction to measure the process flow.The device consists of two units: a detector, throughwhich the fluid to be measured flows and in whichlow-level signals proportional to flow rates areobtained; and a converter, which supplies excitationcurrent to the detector, and amplifies the signals fromthe detector and then processes and converts thesignals into the 4–20mAdc current signal orcommunication signal. With the unique patentedMount-Anywhere magnetic field distributiontechnology, the meter is highly immune to upstreamflow disturbances. Combined with a multi-functionalconverter LF610 (combined type) or LF612 (separatetype) equipped with its patented Noise-Sentry originalnoise-suppression circuit and advanced algorithms.The LF490 has a very high tolerance to noise, givingthe unit a very stable output even for slurry fluidmeasurement. IR (Infrared) switches enable parametersetting of the converter without removing the cover.Flow direction can be set in either way, and its unique128 x 128 dot matrix LCD display allows the LCD tobe rotated electronically to 90, 180 and 270 degreeswithout opening the cover.Figure2. LF490 series flowmetersThe AF900 hand-held terminal (HART* 1communicator) can be used to communicate with theflowmeter from a remote place. PROFIBUS-PA* 2interface is available as an option.*1: HART protocol (Highway Addressable RemoteTransducer) is a communication protocol for industrialsensors recommended by the HCF (HARTCommunication Foundation).*2: PROFIBUS is the communication protocol for factoryand process automation that the PROFIBUSOrganization recommends. Instead of analog controlwith a conventional analog signal (4-20mA), it is thefieldbus which digitizes all signals. Flowmeters supportPROFIBUS-PA.LF494/LF610LF494/LF6121S to 4S (25 to 100 mm)CertificationnumberZ01207Power supplyConverterI/ODetectorPowersupplyI/ODetectorTerminal boxSignal cableExcitation cableConverterLF490/LF610LF494/LF610FLF490LF494LF612LF612FCombined typeLF490/LF610LF494/LF610FSeparate typeLF490/LF612LF494/LF612FFigure1. Configuration