MENU NAVIGATIONSYSTEMMAIN MENU SYSTEM PASSWORDVIDEO SETUPAUDIO SETUPTIME ZONEEXT CONTROLOn the main menu, select “SYSTEM”.Use the “” and “” buttons to highlight theoptions- VIDEO SETUP- AUDIO SETUP- PASSWORD- TIME ZONE- EXT CONTROLVIDEO SETUP Highlight “VIDEO SETUP” and press the“ENTER” button. Use the “” and “” buttons to highlight theoptions- HD OUTPUT FORMAT- ASPECT RATIOHD OUTPUT FORMATUse the “” and “” buttons to switch amongvideo formats “PAL” (for MODE-Switch being setto YPBPR only), “AUTO”, “1080i”, “720p” and“576p”. In “AUTO” mode, the receiver switches thevideo output format to the same as sent by thebroadcaster automatically. Otherwise, the receiverwill fix its video output at the format you haveselected.SD OUTPUT FORMATThis setting cannot be changed.ASPECT RATIOUse the “” and “” buttons to switch among thethree different aspect ratios “4:3 (16:9 Crop)”,Notes:1. Alternatively, you can press the “V.FORMAT”button on the remote control to change theoutput format as described on page 502. You can also press “A.RATIO” button on theremote control to change the aspect ratio asdescribed on page 423. “AUTO - 1080i” means that the receiver is inauto-switching mode and the current videoformat as sent by the broadcaster is 1080i.Likewise for “AUTO - 720p”, “AUTO - 576p”and “AUTO - PAL”31