6F2T0200 (0.15)GRE200 (1,2)- 918 -(ii) Connection to a local PC via USB or LAN portFigure 13.4-5 illustrates that the user can connect the local PC with the IED (type B receptacle)using a USB cable. Alternatively, the user can hock up the local PC to IED using a RJ45 cableby LAN port (if available in the IED). In Figure 13.4-6, when using the LAN port, the user hasto select the communications option, which can be found from the Main menu in GR-TIEMS(go to “Tool” ->“Option…”; “Option” dialog will be displayed; change communications optionwith the second tab – ‘Communication’).USB CablePersonal ComputerIEDLANFigure 13.4-5 USB CommunicationsFigure 13.4-6 LAN communication setting (on GR-TIMES)Note: To set IP addresses, seChapter Communication protocol (→page 741).