September 1997 © TOSHIBA CORP. 1 - 19 2460 ADJUSTMENTCode Name Mode Initial Allowance Remarksvalue604 APS priority selection PPC 0 0~2 0: APS, 1: AMS, 2: No605 SAPS mode PPC 0 0~1 0: All originals detection, 1: First original only607 ADF priority mode PPC 0 0~1 0: RADF, 1: SADF611 Book original selection PPC 0 0~1 0: Opening from the front,1: Opening from the back613 [USER] key, size selection PPC UC=12 0~14 0: A3, 1: A4, 2: A4R, 3: A5, 4: B4, 5: B5, 6: B5R,EUR=13 7: LETTER, 8: LETTER-R, 9: LEDGER,10: LEGAL, 11: STATEMENT-R, 12: COMPUTER,13: FOLIO, 14: Free size617 ADF image shift PPC 0 0~1 0: Not shift1: Shift621 Bypass automatic start Standard 0 0~1 0: Not functional, 1: FunctionalPPC640 Date format Extended 0 0~2 0: 1996.11.28, 1: 28.11.1996, 2: 11.28.1996PPC641 Automatic sorting mode Extended 2 0~3 0: Not functional, 1: StaplePPC 2: Sort, 3: Group642 Sorter mode priority selection Extended 0 0~3 0: NON SORT, 1: STAPLE, 2: SORT, 3: GROUPPPC645 Reproduction ratio adjustment in Extended 10 0~10 0: 90%, 1: 91%, 2: 92%, 3: 93%, 4: 94%, 5:95%,editing mode PPC 6: 96%, 7: 97%, 8: 98%, 9: 99%, 10: 100%646 Arrangement of the page connection Extended 0 0~1 0: Cornering, 1: CenteringPPC649 Magazine sort Extended 0 0~1 0: Opening from the frontPPC 1: Opening from the back650 2 in 1/4 in 1 setting Extended 0 0~1 0: Horizontal modePPC 1: Vertical mode690 HDD formatting ALL – 1~2 1: GDI format, 2: DSI format691 HDD type indication ALL – 0~2 0: Not formatted, 1: GDI type formatted,2: DSI type formatted900 ROM version indication ALL – – UC : T220S1UCXX(Standard ROM) EUR : T220S1EUXX901 ROM version indication ALL – – Mounted : T220S2XX(Extended ROM) Not mounted : – – – –902 ROM version indication ALL – – Ver.XXX(Engine ROM)(Note) Refer to the (Note 4) of the 1.2.4 for the meaning of the mode