42 1600EP Series Instruction ManualData Setting Screens (Cont’d)The following screens show the setting procedure for setting the data variables. They are accessed fromthe main ‘Data Setting Screens’ (see page 38) when the “SHIFT/SELECT” key is pressed:BAUD RATE:2400TO ACCEPT: SETBAUD RATE:1200TO ACCEPT: SETLoops through fourpossibilitiesCont’d from Baud Rate DataSettings Screen pageSetMonitorShiftSelect + BAUD RATE:1200TO CHANGE: SELECTBAUD RATE:2400TO CHAGNE:SELECTThis parameter allows the correctcommunication baud rate to be set.Default is 9600BAUD RATE:4800TO ACCEPT: SET BAUD RATE:4800TO CHANGE: SELECTReturns to Data SettingsScreens (with new valueapplied)SetMonitorShiftSelect +SetMonitorShiftSelect +BAUD RATE:9600TO ACCEPT: SETBAUD RATE:9600TO CHANGE: SELECTSetMonitorShiftSelect +Selects the interval (in days), at whichthe battery test will run (1 day through 99days).INTERVAL: 2DAYTO ACCEPT: SETINTERVAL: 1DAYTO ACCEPT: SETLoops through 99possibilitiesCont’d from Bat. Test IntervalData Settings Screen page SetMonitorShiftSelect + INTERVAL: 1DAYTO CHANGE: SELECTINTERVAL: 2DAYTO CHAGNE:SELECTINTERVAL: 99DAYTO ACCEPT: SET INTERVAL: 99DAYTO CHANGE: SELECTReturns to Data SettingsScreens (with new value applied)SetMonitorShiftSelect +SetMonitorShiftSelect +AUTO BAT TEST:YESTO ACCEPT:SETAUTO BAT TEST:NOTO ACCEPT:SETLoops through bothpossibilitiesCont’d from Auto Batt Test DataSettings Screen page AUTO BAT TEST:NOTO CHANGE: SELECTAUTO BAT TEST:YESTO CHANGE: SELECTIf set to YES, the unit will perform aperiodic battery test at the interval set inthe interval parameter on page 36.Default is NOSetMonitorShiftSelect +SetMonitorShiftSelect +