Maintenance and Parameters Options ScreenPush button 3 on the Settings screen.Push the up and down arrows to switch betweenMaintenance and Parameters.The Maintenance pin number is 12356.The Parameters pin number is 73236531.g034783Figure 50Language and Units Options ScreenPush button 5 on the Settings screen to access thescreen to switch between English and metric units.Use the up and down arrow keys to change thelanguage and unit options.g034767Figure 51Screen Settings ScreenPush button 6 on the Settings screen to switchbetween zoom delay, brightness, and day or nightmode. Use the up and down arrows to adjust theparameters.The Main Drilling Screen zooms into the drillingfunctions. These settings adjust the delay on howlong it takes to zoom.Note: The SmartTouch ribbon sequence will behidden when the screen is zoomed in.g034773Figure 52Clock Settings ScreenPush button 7 on the Settings screen to switchbetween the clock options. Use the up and downarrows to adjust the parameters.g034774Figure 5313