21SETUP PARAMETERS / SONG MODE• S NG:n indicates the song number. There is amaximum of 50 songs in the VoiceWorks.• < STEP INS>, , :Select the function that you need using theDATA WHEEL and then press ENTER toeither insert a song step identical to thecurrent one, delete the current song step orname the song.• S:m indicates the song step number. Thereare a maximum 30 steps per song.• P-- is the selected preset for the step. Apreset number followed by an s indicates itis a Scalic preset while a c following thenumber indicates a Chordal preset.• The remaining field displays the ScaleRoot/Type for Scalic presets, or the ChordRoot/Type information for Chordal presets orSHIFT / NOTES to denote their respectivepreset types.Perform the following to create a sequence ofsteps:• Start by pressing the SONG MODE buttonand using the DATA WHEEL to select ablank song.• Using the ARROW KEYS move the cursorto P-- and set the desired preset number forthe first step.• If the first preset you wish to use is a Scalicor chordal preset, set the desired Root andChord /Scale type.• You can now either go to the S TEP:INS fieldto insert multiple occurrences of the samepreset and then edit the musical informationfor each, or you can go to the S: step fieldand advance the step number to create anew blank step, allowing you to manuallyspecify a different preset with differentmusical settings.• Once you have created a number of steps,using the S: parameter you can go backthrough the steps to modify the musicalinformation for each step as desired.All changes are automatically saved as youmake them. Use MIDI SYSEX to back up yoursongs.Once a series of song steps have been creat-ed, you can then use your footswitch (or anexternal MIDI controller) to step through themduring a live performance.MIDI DUMPAllows SYSEX MIDI dumping of all orindividual presets, all or individual songs andthe VoiceWorks setup.• Select what you would like to backup usingthe DATA WHEEL. Pn denotes a preset; SnDenotes a song; Setup is all setup data.• If connected to another VoiceWorks simplypress ENTER and your data will be copiedto the other VoiceWorks.• If connected to a sequencer, arm it to recordSYSEX data and press ENTER on theVoiceWorks.ERASE SONG• Select what song you would like to eraseusing the DATA WHEEL and press ENTER.R ESTORERestore a Preset to its Factory setting• Select what preset you would like to restoreusing the DATA WHEEL.• Press ENTER to restore the preset.VIEW A NGLEAdjusts the optimal viewing angle for the LCD.SONG MODEThe song mode feature allows you to controlyour VoiceWorks with a footswitch. This ishelpful if you do not use a MIDI sequencerduring performances. You can pre-program asequence of presets, scale, root, or chordchanges, and step forwards and backwardsthrough them as needed.This feature also allows you to use a singlepreset throughout a sequence of footswitchsteps while changing only the musical informa-tion. I.e. the chord, root, and type informationin chordal presets, and the key and scale infor-mation in scalic presets.Song mode is best used with a three buttonfootswitch. This will allow you to step forwardand backward in the sequence as well as letyou mute the harmonies or bypass the box orprocessing components when necessary.The display above is an example of a blanksong.