14IntroductionA VoiceWorks Preset is made up of all param-eters under the eight Voices & Effects keys.These include INDIVIDUAL VOICES (4), over-all HARMONY, lead voice THICKENING,EFFECTS, and PITCH CORRECTION keys.A single click on a Voices & Effects key willactivate/deactivate its processing, a Doubleclick will enter its edit menu. Lit key LEDsindicate that the respective processing isenabled.INDIVIDUAL VOICE KEYSThese are the keys with the four human bodyicons. They allow the enabling/disabling/editingof individual harmony voices.A single click will turn on/off an individual har-mony voice. Double clicking a key givesaccess to the following parameters:LEVELSets the output level of the selected voice.Please note that there is also a master harmo-ny voice level found under the HARMONY key.VOICINGThis parameter is used to set the voicing of theselected voice. This parameter means differentthings depending on the harmony mode of thepreset.Scale Mode PresetsIn this mode the Voicing parameter specifiesthe interval of the harmony note with respectto the input note in the scale. The range of val-ues goes from --8, which is 2 octaves belowthe input note, to ++8 which is two octavesabove the input note, or Cus, which meanscustom voicing (See M AP description). Forexample, a setting of +3 will result in a harmo-ny voice a third above the input voice, relatedto the current scale.Chord Mode PresetsIn this mode the Voicing parameter specifiesthe relation of the harmony note to the inputnote with respect to the current chord. In chordmode presets, the harmony voices are alwaysnotes in the chord. A setting of Up1 will resultin the harmony voice being the next noteabove the input voice in the chord. Forinstance if the Chord was C Major and theinput note was an E, an Up1 setting would pro-duce a G harmony voice, just above the inputE. The range of values goes from Dn5 (Down5) to U (unison) to Up6. Additional values areRt1 and Rt2 which give the root as the harmo-ny voice, and Bs1 and Bs2 (bass voicing)which give the lowest MIDI note received. Rt2and Bs2 are the higher pitch root and Basssettings.Shift Mode PresetsIn this mode the voices are shifted relative tothe input note. The values range from -24semitones to +24 semitones.Notes Mode PresetsIn this mode there is no selectable voicing,instead you will see the currently decodedMIDI note for the selected voice.GENDERThis parameter sets the formant of theHarmony Voice. Use it to alter the character ofthe voice ranging from -50 (a big person with adeep voice) to 0 (no change) to +50(mice/alien sound).VIBVibrato Style. A list of Vibrato styles based onthe analysis of real singers.VIB A MTVibrato amount. The depth of vibrato applied tothe voice.PANL100 (panned fully left) to R100 (panned fullyright)MAPCustom Voice Mapping (Scale Mode Only).Scale mode harmonies are basically pitchmaps. For each input note in a scale you candefine a resulting harmony note. TheVoiceWorks has pre-defined pitch maps for allthe offered scale roots, types, and intervals.The Custom voicing feature allows you to cre-ate your own pitch maps. For example, youcould define a pitch map so that a C input pro-duces an E output and a D input produces anA output. The best way to work with customvoicing is as follows:• For a given harmony voice, select the scaleroot, type, and interval that most closelymatches the desired voicing.• Go to the MAP IN parameter and select theinput note that requires a different harmonynote.• Go to the OUT parameter and change theVOICES & EFFECTS EDIT PARAMETERS