13Press any other key at any time duringpreviewing to return to the currently recalledpreset.All 100 presets shipped with the VoiceWorkscan be modified or overwritten. You canalways restore a preset to its factory defaultfrom the setup menu.EditTo edit preset parameters:• Double click any one of the Voices &Effects keys.• Tab through the menu of parameters usingthe ARROW KEYS. A flashing cursor willappear over the data that you can edit usingthe DATA WHEEL.STORETo store a preset:• Press STORE.• You can store to the current location, or youcan select a different location using theDATA WHEEL.• If you want to change the preset name, usethe ARROW KEYS to step through eachcharacter of the name and use the DATAWHEEL to edit each character.• When you are ready, press STORE again tostore the preset to the chosen location andname.Presets Backup via MIDIThe VoiceWorks allows MIDI dumping of all orindividual presets, all or individual songs andthe VoiceWorks setup parameters.• Connect the VoiceWorks MIDI Out to MIDIIn on either another VoiceWorks or anexternal MIDI device.• Enter the setup menu by pressing theSETUP key and scroll to the MIDIDumpparameter.• Select what you would like to backup usingthe DATA wheel. Pn indicates a preset; Smindicates a song, and Setup indicates allsetup parameters.• If connected to another VoiceWorks simplypress ENTER and your data will be copiedto the other VoiceWorks.PRESET HANDLING• If connected to a sequencer, arm it to recordSYSEX data and press ENTER on theVoiceWorks.The VoiceWorks is always ready to receiveMIDI System Exclusive Dumps.Simply connect MIDI Out from the device youare dumping from to the MIDI In on theVoiceWorks and send the Sysex dump at anytime.