74GBPreparing for the“BRAVIA” SyncThe receiver is compatible with the“Control for HDMI-Easy Setting”function.• If your TV is compatible with the“Control for HDMI-Easy Setting”function, you can set the Control forHDMI function of the receiver andplayback equipment automatically bysetting the Control for HDMI function onyour TV (page 74).• If your TV is not compatible with the“Control for HDMI-Easy Setting”function, set the Control for HDMIfunction of the receiver, playbackequipment and TV individually(page 74).If your TV is compatiblewith the “Control for HDMI-Easy Setting” function1 Connect the receiver, TV andplayback equipment via HDMIconnection (page 23, 24).(The respective equipment must becompatible with the Control for HDMIfunction.)2 Turn on the receiver, TV andplayback equipment.3 Turn on the Control for HDMIfunction of the TV.The Control for HDMI function of thereceiver and all the connected equipmentare turned on simultaneously. Wait until“COMPLETE” appears. The setup iscomplete.For details on setup of the TV, refer to theoperating instructions of your TV.If your TV is not compatiblewith the “Control for HDMI-Easy Setting” function1 Press HOME.The home menu is displayed on the TVscreen.2 Select “Settings” from the menu,then press .The Settings menu list appears on theTV screen.3 Select “HDMI Settings”, then press.4 Select “Control for HDMI”, then press.5 Select “On”, then press .The Control for HDMI function is set toon.6 Press HOME to display the homemenu, then press HOME again toexit the menu.7 Select the HDMI input of the receiverand TV to match the HDMI input ofthe connected equipment, so that theimage from the connectedequipment is displayed.8 Set the Control for HDMI function forthe connected equipment to on.If the Control for HDMI function for theconnected equipment is already set toon, you do not need to change thesetting.9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 for otherequipment that you want to use theControl for HDMI function.For details on setting the TV andconnected equipment, refer to theoperating instructions of the respectiveequipment.HOMEV/v/b,