Sony SH800 User Manual
January 11,2018 1Sony SH800 Cell SorterSSFFNEWACCOUNTS MUST BE ADDED on BEFORE THE CHIP IS SCANNEDCurrently the 70, 100 and 130 μm chips are in useNotes:• Make sure to draw all your gates and name everything before you record your data. Once you have recorded datayou cannot draw new gates. You may copy and paste regions to new tubes.• For sort targeting with real cellso Set the number of events to sort higher than neededo Test placement of sorted cell by initiating SORTo Pause and look at depositiono It will only do one sort per tube, so if you need to do multiple tests you do not want to reach desired # of events orit will insist on a new tube being created1. Start upNOTE: The upper lid on the cytometer has pneumatic lifters, so attempting to open this with the air linevented will create an error. The air to the cytometer should be restored before attempting to load a chip, or tolook at filters. The air lineCheck the LCD display for pressure reading before opening the chip loader flap door.1. Decontaminate and clean all surfaces of the collection chamber. And clean sort collection device if desired.2. No Cavicide should be used on the plates. A 70% EtOH wipe daily should be sufficient. The lowerportion of the sort chamber can be wiped with a small amount of Cavicide.i. For the 70μm chipo Microbubbles are always a greater problem for the 70um than other nozzles and may be contributeto the instability. In the AM, the air line vent should be closed and the vent valve on the tank turned toreseat the seal.o This nozzle is VERY sensitive and side streams will not form if the plates are not clean and dryo IF sheath pressure issue occurs, check the lid of the sheath tank. |
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