Sony SH800 User Manual
January 11,2018 6To put the machine in standby mode:1. From the cytometer ribbon, select “settings” (a)2. On the settings panel, select “advanced settings”3. On the “pressure options” tab, select “standby” (b)4. Once you have replaced the tank after emptying and adding bleach, or filled the sheath tank select “ready” (c)7. Data Export1. FCS file export: right-click on the Experiment (scroll up past all the sample tubes to the top of the experiment), andselect Export as FCS Files, or in the Experiment tab, select Export FCS Files from the ribbon.2. The … button lets you browse to the appropriate folder.i. This pc ! c drive ! facs dataii. click export !click close3. A PDF of the experiment layout, including sort setup and a screenshot of the gates can be saved by clicking customprint (in the Worksheet Tools Ribbon). PDFs should be saved in “my documents” folder4. Go to “facs data checkin” on desktop8. Clean up1. If NOT the last user follow steps b through g. If the last user skip to the Shut Down directions.2. From the Cytometer tab (a), select Bleach Clean (b). Prepare 15 ml tube with 12 ml of 10% bleach. Place on tubeholder and proceed with cleaning. This will take 6 minutes, and approximately 7 ml of bleach will be run throughthe sample tubing and chip.3. From the Cytometer tab, select DI Shutdown Rinse (c). Prepare a 15 ml tube with 12 ml of Di water. Place the tubeon the holder, and proceed with the rinse. This will take another 6 minutes.4. There are additional steps for BSL-2 or yeast sampleclean up. See SOP page 75. Log out of the software.6. When the box comes up asking if you are sure you wantto log out, check the box that says “Keep sortcalibration.” If you do not check the box, the next personwill have to run the auto calibration again before sorting.7. If there is more than a 2 hour gap between log-ins, themachine will shut the stream off and the auto calibrationwill have to be run again at the next log in to prevent thisplease log in to: user1 account no password needed tokeep machine from going into time out mode which willallow the next user to use the same chip without havingto perform the entire QC again if within the 24 hour ofallowed single chip use.Yeast, Bacteria and BSL-2 Sorting Clean UP1. Remove your sample2. From cytometer tool ribbon select bleach wash, follow the on screen instructions loading a 15 ml tubewith 12 ml of 10% bleach3. Isolate all components interacting with the sample (sort collection device, tube holder, etc) and take themto the sink area |
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