QN-022PCM 3-860-382-11GB9GBDriver Installation on DOS andWindows 3.XMake sure your PC recognises the PCMCIA card viaPCMCIA Card Manager.For more information about PCMCIA card drivers,refer to your PC’s user manual. If your PC does notrecognise the PCMCIA card, follow the instructionbelow.1 Insert the supplied Driver software diskinto your disk drive.2 At the DOS command line, typeC:/>COPY A:CONFIG21.EXE3 Insert the PCMCIA Card into a PC slot.4 Start up the PCMCIA driver by typing:CONFIG21IMPORTANTIf your PCMCIA card is not recognized, checkwhether your portable is equipped with a memorymanager, for example EMM386. If it has, you mustinsert a 4 to 32 K memory exclusion field (e.g.:X=D000-D800) after the command EMM386.EXE inthe CONFIG.SYS file to start up the card, forexample :DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMSX=D000-D800In Windows’ SYSTEM.INI file, it is sometimesnecessary to redeclare the field in the [386Enh]section, using the command EmmExclude=D000-D800