27 (GB)Adjusting the PictureWhile watching the picture, you can adjust contrast,brightness, chroma, phase, and so on, to suit yourtaste. The adjustments can be carried out for eachinput signal separately. You can also store theadjusted levels in memory.Adjusting the Contrast, Brightness,Chroma, and Phase, etc.Press MENU so that the main menu appears on thedisplay panel and select “CONTRAST”,“BRIGHTNESS”, “CHROMA”, “PHASE”,“PICTURE AGC”, “COLOR TEMP” or“SHARPNESS” from the PIC CONTROL menu withv / V.CONTRASTSelect “CONTRAST” with v / V and press ENTER.Adjust the contrast with v / V in the range from MIN(0) to MAX (+100).v: to increase picture contrastV: to decrease picture contrastBRIGHTNESSSelect “BRIGHTNESS” with v / V and pressENTER.Adjust the brightness with v / V in the range fromMIN (–50) to MAX (+50).v: to make the picture brighterV: to make the picture darkerCHROMASelect “CHROMA” with v / V and press ENTER.Adjust the chroma with v / V in the range from MIN(–50) to MAX (+50).v: to increase color intensityV: to decrease color intensityPHASESelect “PHASE” with v / V and press ENTER.Adjust the phase with v / V in the range from MIN(–50) to MAX (+50).v: to make the overall picture greenishV: to make the overall picture purplishAutomatic brightness control —Enhancing the image contrastIf the average brightness of the image is low, thesystem can automatically raise the contrast level toenhance the brightness. This function works well fordisplaying dark images.Select “PICTURE AGC” with v / V and press ENTER.Set PICTURE AGC to ON or OFF with v / V.COLOR TEMP (Color temperature)You can also set the color temperature. You can selectHIGH or LOW, or adjust each gain more precisely.Up to six adjusted color temperatures can beregistered. You can rename them (up to six charactersin length).1 Select “COLOR TEMP” with v / V and pressENTER.2 Select the color temperature with v / V and pressENTER.HIGH: to set the color temperature to highLOW: to set the color temperature to low1 – 6: to set the gain more preciselyWhen you select HIGH or LOW, the menu returnsto the PIC CONTROL menu.When you select “1” to “6”When you select “1” to “6”, the following menuappears on the display panel.ENTER MENUC O L O R T E M P : 1R E D G A I N : 1 2 8G R E E N G A I N : 1 2 8B L U E G A I N : 1 2 8N A M E S E TS E L E C T A D J U S T E N DThe PFM-42B1/42B1E displays “255” for each gain.Adjusting the Picture