10 (GB)Location and Function of Parts and ControlsComponent Input Adaptor (with ControlS) BKM-B12 (Not supplied)The VIDEO connectors are Slot-in connectors. Youcan replace the VIDEO connectors with theComponent Input Adaptor (with Control S) BKM-B12.1 INPUT3 (RGB/YUV signal input) connectorsRGB/YUV (RGB/YUV signal input ) connector(Phono jack): Connects to the analog RGBsignal output connector (image device) or to theComponent (YUV) signal output connector. Youcan also input the HD analog component (Y/PB /P R ) signals to this connector.2 CONTROL S IN/OUT (Control S signal input/output) connector (Minijack)You can connect the CONTROL S connector on avideo device or display to this connector, you cancontrol multiple devices from one RemoteCommander. Connect the CONTROL S OUTconnector on this adaptor to the CONTROL S INconnector on the other device.Y/G U/B V/R IN OUTINPUT 3 CONTROL S12Video Input & Control S Adaptor BKM-B13(Not supplied)The VIDEO connectors are Slot-in connectors. Youcan replace the VIDEO connectors with the VIDEOInput & Control S Adaptor BKM-B13.1 VIDEO ConnectorsCOMPOSITE IN (Video Input) connector (BNC):Connects to the composite signal outputconnector on the video device.COMPOSITE OUT (Video Output) connector(BNC): Connects to the composite signal inputconnector on the video device.Y/C IN (Video Input) connector (Mini-DIN 4-pin): Connects to the Y/C output connector onthe video device.2 CONTROL S IN/OUT (Control S signal input/output) connector (Minijack)You can connect the CONTROL S connector on avideo device or display to this connector, you cancontrol multiple devices from one RemoteCommander. Connect the CONTROL S OUTconnector on this adaptor to the CONTROL S INconnector on the other device.COMPOSITE Y/C ININ OUT IN OUTVIDEO CONTROL S12