Sony MEX-BT5100 Installation/connections Manual
Also see for BluetoothH MEX-BT5100: Operating instructionsInstallation/connectionsQuick guideOperating instructionsSpecifications
LRAUDIOOUTREARAUDIOOUTFRONTBUSAUDIOIN3 124567AUDIO OUTFRONTBUS AUDIO IN/AUX IN*2BUSCONTROL INREMOTEINAUDIO OUTREARSUB OUT (MONO)© 2007 Sony Corporation Printed in Taiwan3-276-519-41 (1)CautionsBe sure to install this unit in the dashboard of the caras the rear side of the unit becomes hot during use.• This unit is designed for negative earth 12 V DCoperation only.• Do not get the leads under a screw, or caught in movingparts (e.g. seat railing).• Before making connections, turn the car ignition off toavoid short circuits.• Connect the yellow and red power input leads onlyafter all other leads have been connected.• Run all earth leads to a common earth point.• Be sure to insu late any loose un con nect ed leads withelectrical tape for safety.• Do not cover the ventilation slots or heat sinks of theunit.Notes on the power supply lead (yellow)• When connecting this unit in combination with otherstereo components, the connected car circuit’s ratingmust be higher than the sum of each component’s fuse.• When no car circuits are rated high enough, connectthe unit directly to the battery.Parts Iist• The numbers in the list are keyed to those in theinstructions.• The bracket and the protection collar areattached to the unit before shipping. Before mountingthe unit, use the release keys to remove the bracket and the protection collar from the unit. Fordetails, see “Removing the protection collar and thebracket ()” on the reverse side of the sheet.• Keep the release keys for future use as theyare also necessary if you remove the unit fromyour car.CautionHandle the bracket carefully to avoid injuring yourfingers.CatchNoteBefore installing, make sure that the catches on both sides ofthe bracket are bent inwards 2 mm. If the catches are straightor bent outwards, the unit will not be installed securely and mayspring out.Installation/Connections⫭塁濊䴾嵓徇㌉Connection exampleNotes (-A)• Be sure to connect the earth lead before connecting theamplifi er.• The alarm will only sound if the built-in amplifi er is used.Tip (-B- )For connecting two or more CD/MD changers, the sourceselector XA-C40 (not supplied) is necessary.Connection diagram To a metal surface of the carFirst connect the black earth lead, then connect the orange/white stripped, yellow, and red power input leads. To the power aerial control lead or powersupply lead of aerial booster amplifierNotes• It is not necessary to connect this lead if there is no poweraerial or aerial booster, or with a manually-operatedtelescopic aerial.• When your car has a built-in FM/AM aerial in the rear/sideglass, see “Notes on the control and power supply leads.” To AMP REMOTE IN of an optional poweramplifi erThis connection is only for amplifi ers. Connecting any othersystem may damage the unit. To the interface cable of a car telephone To a car’s illumination signalBe sure to connect the black earth lead to a metal surfaceof the car fi rst. To the +12 V power terminal which isenergized in the accessory position of theignition key switchNotes• If there is no accessory position, connect to the +12 Vpower (battery) terminal which is energized at all times.Be sure to connect the black earth lead to a metal surfaceof the car fi rst.• When your car has a built-in FM/AM aerial in the rear/sideglass, see “Notes on the control and power supply leads.” To the +12 V power terminal which isenergized at all timesBe sure to connect the black earth lead to a metal surfaceof the car fi rst.Notes on the control and power supply leads• The power aerial control lead (blue) supplies +12 V DC whenyou turn on the tuner.• When your car has built-in FM/AM aerial in the rear/side glass,connect the power aerial control lead (blue) or the accessorypower input lead (red) to the power terminal of the existingaerial booster. For details, consult your dealer.• A power aerial without a relay box cannot be used with thisunit.Memory hold connectionWhen the yellow power input lead is connected, power willalways be supplied to the memory circuit even when the ignitionswitch is turned off.SUB OUT (MONO) AUDIO OUTREARAUDIO OUTFRONTBUS AUDIO INBUS CONTROL INABEquipment used in illustrations (not supplied)㌶♺ᶑ䗨塁仒濃曂斨彥濄from car aerialỪ兎㯡帮⢍䴾Rear speaker⻰㌾俖◌Front speaker↱㌾俖◌Active subwoofer㙭㷴峩Ẳ杗㌾俖◌Rotary commander RM-X4S㔯庭㌋↚◌!SN.Y5TPower amplifier∃䋫㒢⢋◌ × 2× 4CD/MD changerDE0NE!㌿䠃㧃BUS AUDIO INBUS CONTROL INSource selector*杗㷴応㐫◌*XA-C40* not supplied曂斨彥㱌び䒕㔠⚌ợ䒌徲䥯ᶑ㚐㧃䗨倰曆㙧嫮䄕濇娯∽⼩⭫㚐㧃⫭塁⚌㯡帮䗨埌㛣ᶑɁ• 㚐㧃⍎偡ợ䒌射㣙㌉⚔!23!W!䙘㲥晟㷴Ɂ!ᵱ 壥 ợ ⭲ 䴾 ⢢ ⚌ 圞 䳖 ᵯ 濇 ㅺ ䷂ ㋿ ⚌ 䥟 ∹ 恌 Ṛ ᵮ濃⣦濕⸋㡩㇚ㆯᵮ濄Ɂ• 徇㌉䴾嵓ᶯ↱濇娯敀擭㯡帮湂㿏塁仒ṉ₱峛䝑嵓Ɂ• 渧凖⏰䱩凖晟㷴府⭲䴾⼩杬⚌ㆤ㙭⃚⫧⭲䴾恡徇㌉⫰䓆ṉ⻰ㆱ徇㌉Ɂ• ⭫ㆤ㙭⚔䴾恡徇㌉↔⍰ᵤ㌉⚔湂Ɂ!䆖ᷪ⫭濇娯䠞姱㯶㙭徇㌉䗨⭲䴾 䒌晟◌億≩䲒徖垰䲹䵇Ɂ•!娯≣忒启㚐㧃䗨彾栌⪸ㅺ㓇䄕恌ằɁ晟㷴⭲䴾杬䝉濃渧凖濄• ⭫㚐㧃八⃚⫧ 䨯樸俖塁仒䲨⍬ợ䒌㖦濇ㆤ徇㌉䗨㯡帮晟嵓⬝愳⼩杬⢋㔠㬳Ὧ塁仒ὁ明䳖⬝愳䗨䶡⏰Ɂ• 䓚㯡帮晟嵓⬝愳ᵱ⢄⢋㖦濇娯⭫㚐㧃䙘㌉八晟㯄䙜徇㌉Ɂ晚Ṛᵤ夡埌!• ♺䢞㓜⪻八娎㕲㙜ᶑ䗨㓜⪻㖓ᵤ兘䗨Ɂ• ㆼ㜚!!⏰ὁ嫛䐔!!⚌⅞⹄ᶯ↱ⵖ䳷塁⚌㚐塁仒ᵮɁ⚌⫭塁㚐塁仒ᶯ↱濇娯€ợ䒌擯拺揔≽! ! ⭫ㆼ㜚!!⏰ὁ嫛䐔!!⼂㚐塁仒ᵮ㈪ᵯɁ姗䲔娎㕲濇娯⌧壯㚐来⌱曆ĥ㈪ᵯὁ嫛䐔⏰ㆼ㜚!)*ĦɁ• ⣦㜀Ḯ⻰壥⭫㚐塁仒⼂㯡帮ᵮ㈪ᵯ濇᷃壥ợ 䒌擯拺揔≽濇♄㫈娯ὁ⪼⣡擯拺揔≽!!ṉ´Ḯ⻰ợ䒌Ɂ㱌び㉣⌺ㆼ㜚!!㖦濇娯䇝↉㱌び↉‛↔ㆯ㉫Ɂ㈰懈妟⫭塁ᶯ↱濇⼩杬⭫ㆼ㜚!!Ῐ䗨㈰懈⍵⺲㙖!3!nnɁ⣦㜀㈰懈䪪䙘ㅺ⍵⡺⺲㙖濇↫㚐塁仒⭫䂅㰹䇆♞⫭塁濇ᶊ⍓偡⺬⅞Ɂ䴾嵓徇㌉♺ữ!妟濃-A濄•!∽⼩⚌㌉㒢⢋◌ᶯ↱徇㌉⚔䴾Ɂ•!⣦㜀ợ䒌⃩㒢 ⢋◌濇➕嫊◌⭫⍎䗠⅞ᵤ俖➕嫊俖Ɂ㌴䢞濃-B- 濄剉壥徇㌉!3!⍔ㅺ㙘⡾!DE0NE!㌿䠃㧃㖦濇⼩杬ợ䒌杗㷴応㐫◌!YB.D51濃応屠Ṛ濄Ɂ䴾嵓徇㌉♺!!徇㌉兗㯡帮䗨愵⯐埌曆棺€徇㌉渵凖㌉⚔⭲䴾濇䂚⻰徇㌉㦽濊䗡㠁䱯濇渧凖⏰䱩凖晟㷴府⭲䴾Ɂ!徇㌉兗晟∹⢍䴾㌋↚⭲䴾ㅺ⢍䴾⊫⠷㒢⢋◌䗨晟㷴⭲䴾妟•!⣦䂅晟∹⢍䴾ㅺ⢍䴾⊫⠷◌濇ㅺ㙭ㆯ∹⢻䬅⢍䴾濇ἣᵱ杬徇㌉㫈⭲䴾Ɂ•!「㯡帮䗨⻰濊Ῐ䌟䏧䧻ᶑ⣦㜀㙭!GN0BN!⢍䴾濇⋗娯⌧䙯ĥ㌋↚䴾⏰晟㷴䴾杬䝉ĦɁ!徇㌉兗応屠䗨∃䋫㒢⢋◌䗨!BNQ!SFNPUF!JO濃㒢⢋◌徽㌋府濄㚐徇㌉ 䒌㔠㒢⢋◌Ɂ徇㌉ṟẹ⃚⫧䱟䳕⍓偡㙧㍱⡂㚐㧃Ɂ!徇㌉兗㯡帮晟姕䗨㌉⍇晟一!徇㌉兗㯡帮䃋㕲奮嗃⼩杬棺€⭫渵凖㌉⚔⭲䴾徇㌉兗㯡帮䗨愵⯐埌曆Ɂ!徇㌉兗⚌湂㿏揔≽擯敀䗨斨Ṛằ仒ᵮ彾晟䗨!,23!W!晟㷴䩓⪴妟•!剉㯶㙭斨Ṛằ仒濇↫娯徇㌉兗⤯䲦彾晟䗨!,23!W!晟㷴濃晟㯄濄䩓⪴Ɂ! ⼩杬棺€⭫渵凖㌉⚔⭲䴾徇㌉兗㯡帮䗨愵⯐埌曆Ɂ•!「㯡帮䗨⻰濊Ῐ䌟䏧䧻ᶑ⣦㜀㙭!GN0BN!⢍䴾濇⋗娯⌧䙯ĥ㌋↚䴾⏰晟㷴䴾杬䝉ĦɁ!徇㌉兗⤯䲦彾晟䗨!,23!W!晟㷴䩓⪴⼩杬棺€⭫渵凖㌉⚔⭲䴾徇㌉兗㯡帮䗨愵⯐埌曆Ɂ㌋↚䴾⏰晟㷴䴾杬䝉•!ㆷ擯娣婋◌晟㷴㖦濇晟∹⢍䴾䗨㌋↚⭲䴾濃唱凖濄ἣ偡㌴ỿ!,23!W!䙘㲥晟Ɂ•!剉「䗨㯡帮⻰濊Ῐ䌟䏧䧻ᵮ㙭!GN0BN!⢍䴾濇杬⭫晟∹⢍䴾㌋↚⭲䴾濃唱凖濄ㅺ幸∍晟㷴府⭲䴾濃䱩凖濄徇㌉↔䍢㙭⢍䴾⊫⠷◌ᵮ䗨晟㷴䩓⪴ᵮɁ姗䲔⬝娯⍵戛⒒⒪婒姆Ɂ•!㚐㧃ᵱ偡ợ䒌ᵱ⃛´䷠晟◌䘶䗨晟∹⢍䴾Ɂὁ㉥奼ㄚ䗨䴾嵓徇㌉㰹䓚徇㌉⣡渧凖晟㷴府⭲䴾㖦濇⋗ợ㯡帮䗠∹㧃湂㿏揔≽敀擭濇晟㷴ḱ⭫⭱奼ㄚ晟嵓ỿ晟ɁAMP REMMax. supply current 0.3 A㙤⢋㷴晟㲥!1/4!BFuse (10 A)ὁ明䳖!)21!B*Blue/white striped唱濊䗡㠁䱯Red䱩凖Yellow渧凖White䗡凖Green䴄凖Purple䲏凖White/black striped䗡濊渵㠁䱯Grey/black striped㿔濊渵㠁䱯Green/black striped䴄濊渵㠁䱯Grey㿔凖LeftⵊRight⍗LeftⵊRight⍗ANT REMBlack渵凖Blue唱凖Max. supply current 0.1 A㙤⢋㷴晟㲥 1/2!BPurple/black striped䲏濊渵㠁䱯*1Source selector(not supplied)杗㷴応㐫◌)曂斨彥*XA-C40Supplied with the CD/MD changer斨㔠!DE0NE!㌿䠃㧃*1ATTILLUMINATIONOrange/white striped㦽濊䗡㠁䱯Light blue㵅唱凖*5MEX-BT5100*4*6*3*1 RCA pin cord (not supplied)*2 Be sure to match the colour-codedcord for audio to the appropriate jacksfrom the unit. If you connect an optionalCD/MD changer, you cannot use AUXIN terminal.*3 Auxiliary optional equipment such asportable DVD player (not supplied)*4 Supplied with the auxiliary equipment*5 Supplied with XA-C40*6 Insert with the cord upwards.*1!SDB!慁⛯㌶枑晟䴾濃曂斨彥濄*2!杗枟⭲䴾䗨枳凖⼩杬八塁仒ᵮ㫇䠞䗨㌶⪸枳凖ᵤ兘Ɂ⣦㜀徇㌉応屠䗨!DE0NE!㌿䠃㧃濇↫「⭫䂅㰹ợ䒌!BVY!JO!䩓⪴Ɂ*3 幸∍応屠塁仒濇⣦ἣ㒀!EWE!㐑㒢㧃濃曂斨彥濄*4 斨㔠幸∍塁仒*5 斨㔠!YB.D51*6!晟䴾⍵ᵮ㌶ɁBluetooth™Audio SystemNotes on speaker connection• Before connecting the speakers, turn the unit off.• Use speakers with an impedance of 4 to 8 ohms, and withadequate power handling capacities to avoid its damage.• Do not connect the speaker terminals to the car chassis, orconnect the terminals of the right speakers with those of theleft speaker.• Do not connect the earth lead of this unit to the negative (–)terminal of the speaker.• Do not attempt to connect the speakers in parallel.• Connect only passive speakers. Connecting active speakers(with built-in amplifi ers) to the speaker terminals may damagethe unit.• To avoid a malfunction, do not use the built-in speaker leadsinstalled in your car if the unit shares a common negative (–)lead for the right and left speakers.• Do not connect the unit’s speaker leads to each other.Note on connectionIf speaker and amplifi er are not connected correctly, “Failure”appears in the display. In this case, make sure the speaker andamplifi er are connected correctly.徇㌉㌾俖◌㖦䗨㱌びᷯ杩•!徇㌉㌾俖◌晟䴾ṉ↱濇娯€敀擭㚐㧃晟㷴Ɂ•!ợ䒌斟ㇻ䆖!5.9Ã!ᵸ⃛㙭 崗⢄∃䋫喹䍪⬝愳䗨㌾俖◌濇ṉ₱㍱⡂㌾俖◌Ɂ•!ᵱ壥⭫㌾俖◌䩓⪴徇㌉↔帮帏ᵮ濇ㅺ⭫⍗㌾俖◌䩓⪴八ⵊ㌾俖◌䩓⪴䙜徇㌉Ɂ•!Ⅻ≣⭫㚐㧃䗨㌉⚔⭲䴾徇㌉兗㌾俖◌䗨射濃.濄㌉䴾䩓Ɂ•!㌾俖◌ᵱ⍓ᶊ俓徇㌉Ɂ•!娯 徇㌉䂅㷴㌾俖◌Ɂ剉⭫㙭㷴㌾俖◌濃仒㒢⢋◌濄徇㌉↔㌾俖◌䩓⪴ᵮ㙧㍱⡂㚐㧃Ɂ•!剉㚐塁仒ợ䒌ⵊɀ⍗㌾俖◌䗨⃕ 䒌射㣙濃.濄⭲䴾濇䆖ᷪ忣₱㒩昀濇Ⅻ≣ợ䒌ⵖ⫭塁⚌㯡帮䗨㌾俖◌⭲䴾Ɂ•!娯≣⭫㚐塁仒㌾俖◌⭲䴾䙜᷶徇㌉Ɂ㙭敀徇㌉㱌びᷯ杩⣦㜀㚎㫇䠞徇㌉㌾俖◌⏰㒢⢋◌濇↫染䢞ⶹᵮ㙧⅞䍢ĥGbjmvsfĦɁ㫈㖦濇娯㫇䠞徇㌉㌾俖◌⏰㒢⢋◌Ɂ |
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