ˎˎˎˎ4-444-821-13(1)© 2013 Sony Corporation Printed in ChinaProjection LampLKRM-U330/U330S/U331/U331SLKRM-U450/U450SOperating InstructionsˎˎˎˎLKRM-U330/U330S/U331/U331S LKRM-U330LKRM-U450/U450S LKRM-U450In this document, the LKRM-U330/U330S/U331/U331S is referred to as theLKRM-U330 series, and the LKRM-U450/U450S is referred to as the LKRM-U450series.For the customers in the U.S.A.SONY LIMITED WARRANTY - Please visit http://www.sony.com/psa/warrantyfor important information and complete terms and conditions of Sony’s limitedwarranty applicable to this product.For the customers in CanadaSONY LIMITED WARRANTY - Please visit http://www.sonybiz.ca/pro/lang/en/ca/article/resources-warranty-product-registration for important informationand complete terms and conditions of Sony’s limited warranty applicable tothis product.For the customers in EuropeSony Professional Solutions Europe - Standard Warranty and Exceptions onStandard Warranty.Please visit http://www.pro.sony.eu/warranty for important information andcomplete terms and conditions.For the customers in KoreaSONY LIMITED WARRANTY - Please visit http://bpeng.sony.co.kr/handler/BPAS-Start for important information and complete terms and conditions ofSony’s limited warranty applicable to this product.Pour les clients au CanadaGARANTIE LIMITÉE DE SONY - Rendez-vous sur http://www.sonybiz.ca/pro/lang/en/ca/article/resources-warranty-product-registration pour obtenir lesinformations importantes et l’ensemble des termes et conditions de la garantielimitée de Sony applicable à ce produit.