SOUND/DISPSET(itemstoadjustsoundandthe screen)Touch (_), then @.If lhe item is not oil Ihe screen, touch D/D Io change the page.How to set(HOME MENU) --+ page 78@.-(OPTION MENU) --+ page 90The default seltings are marked with _,'.Touch _/1_7 to a(li/ISl tile _olume(p. 45).1,0NA melody sounds when you slarl/sloprecording, or operale Ihe touch panehOFFCancels Ihe melody and shulter sound.You can at[just Ihe brighlness; of the LCDscreen.(_) Ac[iustthe brightness wilh [_/[_.@ Touch [_."_° Tips• This adlusll/lenl does not allcct tile recordedimages in any way.You can adjust the brightness of the LCDscreen's backlighl.NORMALStandard brightness.BRIGHTBrightens the LCD screen.0 Notes• _Vllen you connect your C_llllcorder lo oulsidepower sources, [BRIGHT] is automaticallyselected lbr tile setling.• Whcn you selecl [BRIGHT], bauery lilt isslightly reduced during recording.• If you open lhe LCD panel 180 degrees lo lacefile screen outside and close the LCD panel totile camcorder body, tile _tting becomes[NORMALI automalically."_° Tips• This adjustmenl does not alli:ct tile recordedimages in any way,You can acliust the color of the LCD screenwith [_/[_.[] mDmDmDmDllllllll[]Low intensity High intensity"_" Tips• This adjuslnlent does not allPct tile rccordedinlages in any way.You Call adjust the brightness of theview finder.NORMALStandard brightness.BRIGHTBrightens the viewfindcr screen.86