4 Touch D/_ to search for thedesired face image, then selectthe face image of the scene youwant to play back.Playback starts l'rom lhe selecled scene.O Notes• F_tces may not be detectcd depending onJ_cording condilions.Example: People wearing ghJsses or hals. or notlacing towards the camera.• Set [[_INDEX SETI m ION] (the dellmlt_tling) belbrc recording 1o play back moviesfrom [{_INDEXI (p. 82). Face Index may nolappear properly if no lace was delected."_° Tips• You can display lhe Face Index scrcen bylouching "l_ (HOME) _ [] (VIEWIMAGES) --,- [{_INDEXI.You call efficiently search for desiredimages by date.Select beforehand media which contains themovie you want to play back (p. 28).O Notes• YO/I cilnnot/1_ lhe Dale ]lldex with tile disc,and still images on the "Memory Stick PRODuo."4/ Press [] (VIEW IMAGES) on yourcamcorder.Tile VISUAL INDEX screen appears.2 To search for movies, touch thetab. To search for stillimages, touch the I1_ tab.3 Touch the date button at theupper right corner of the screen.Tile recording dates of images aredisplayed on the screen.Previous/Nexl date4 Touch HID to select therecording date of the desiredimages, then touch F5_.Tile images recorded on lhe selecleddate are displayed on tile screen."_° Tips• On tile Film Roll Index screen or the Face Indexscreen, you can display tile Date Index thnctionby following tile steps 3 to 4.You can magnify still images from about1.1 to 5 times tile original size.Magnification can be a@lsted with thepower ZOOIll lever or tile zoom btlttons onthe LCD frame.46