Chapter 1 Getting Started 22Setup 4: Setting up “Server Setup, powered by DiXiM” (continued)Continue to the next page lBasic Operations for the “Server Setup,powered by DiXiM” window.To activate settings changesClick “OK” or “Apply.”If you click “OK,” the setting changes take effect, and the“Server Setup, powered by DiXiM” quits.If you click “Apply,” the setting changes take effectimmediately, but the “Server Setup, powered by DiXiM”remains open, enabling you to make additional settingchanges.However, the setting will be activated immediately whenyou add or delete the shared folder as the “Shared Folder”tab is selected.To cancel the settingsClick “Cancel.”The setting that you are entering will be deleted and theprevious settings retained. The “Server Setup, powered byDiXiM” will shut down at the same time.However, the setting will be activated immediately whenyou add or delete the shared folder as the “Shared Folder”tab is selected.Starting the Media Server1 Click the “Start/Stop Server” tab on the “ServerSetup, powered by DiXiM” window.The Media Server operating status appears on the rightside of the window.Media server is not operating whenever “Start Mediaserver” is displayed on the “Server Setup, powered byDiXiM” window.The Media server is operating whenever “Stop MediaServer” is displayed on the “Server Setup, powered byDiXiM” window.2 Click “Start Media server.”“Starting Media Server” appears.When the Media Server starts up, “Media Server isrunning” appears.To stop the Media ServerClick “Stop the server.”“Stopping Media Server” appears.When the Media Server stops, “Media Server is beingstopped” appears.TipThe Media Server starts automatically when the “ServerSetup, powered by DiXiM” is started.Naming the Media Server1 Click the “Media Server Name” tab on the “ServerSetup, powered by DiXiM” window.