26B Audio L/R (left/right) input jacksThis connection will use your TV’s or audiocomponent’s two speakers for sound.z HintFor correct speaker location, refer to the operatinginstructions supplied with the connectedcomponents.b Notes• Do not connect your TV’s audio output jacks tothe LINE IN (R-AUDIO-L) jacks at the sametime. This will cause unwanted noise to comefrom your TV’s speakers.• With connection B, do not connect the LINE IN(R-AUDIO-L) and LINE 2 OUT (R-AUDIO-L)jacks to your TV’s audio output jacks at the sametime. This will cause unwanted noise to comefrom your TV’s speakers.• With connection A, after you have completedthe connection, make the appropriate settings inthe “Audio Out” setup (page 133). Otherwise, nosound or a loud noise will come from yourspeakers.• When you connect the recorder to an audiocomponent using an HDMI cord, you will needto do one of the following:– Connect the audio component to the TV withthe HDMI cord, or– Connect the recorder to the TV with a videocord other than HDMI cord (component videocord, S-video cord, or audio/video cord).Step 4: Inserting aConditional AccessModule (CAM) (RDR-HXD795/HXD895/HXD995/HXD1095 only)Insert a conditional access module (CAM)provided by your service provider to receivescrambled digital broadcasting. Thisrecorder is designed to work with modulesthat support the DVB standard. Contact yourservice provider to obtain the right kind ofCAM.Insert the CAM into the CAM slot as far asit will go.To remove the CAMPress Z located on the right side of the CAMslot.b Notes• The CAM slot accepts only Type I and Type IIPC cards. Do not insert other cards orunacceptable objects into the CAM slot.• Do not remove or insert the CAM whilereceiving broadcasts. This will cause the picturenot to be displayed.*1*2