Step by StepAnswering calls and Making calls16161616Answering calls and Making callsAnswering a call with the handsetThe telephone rings. The caller is displayed.C Lift the handset.Ending a call:I Replace the handset.Answering a call via the speaker key(speakerphone)The telephone rings. The caller is displayed.Press the key. The lamp lights up.You are in speakerphone mode.(Note: optiPoint 500 economy/basic does not have amicrophone.)J or K Increase or decrease the volume. Keep pressing thekeys until the desired volume level is set.Ending the call:Press the key. The lamp goes out.Notes for speakerphone mode:• Tell the called party that you are using speaker-phone.• The speakerphone conversing equipment worksbest at low volume settings.• The ideal distance between yourself and the tele-phone for speakerphone conversing is approx.20 inches.SpeakerSpeaker