Overview of Alarms 08/20052-576 © Siemens AG, 2005. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/840D/840Di/810D Diagnostics Guide (DA), 08/2005 EditionRemedy: --105030 Please wait, renumbering in progress (%1)!Parameters: %1 = --Definitions: The part program's blocks are serially numbered.Remedy: --105031 Renumbering has been aborted !Definitions: Renumbering of the part program was aborted.Insufficient part program memory may be the cause of the error.Remedy: --105032 Renumbering finished !Definitions: Renumbering of the part program was completed without errors.Remedy: --105033 Renumbering incomplete, max. block length exceeded (%1)Parameters: %1 = --Definitions: --Remedy: --105041 Block number will be too large !Definitions: The set increment and the size of the program cause the block number to be greater than999999.Remedy: --105042 Block number not allowed !Definitions: The first block number is less than 0 or greater than 999999.Remedy: --105043 Increment not allowed !Definitions: The increment was entered as a negative.Remedy: --105050 Please wait: graphics being output !Definitions: The help displays are being prepared for display.Remedy: --105051 %1Parameters: %1 = --Definitions: The dynamic long texts for the cycle parameterization are output here.Remedy: --105052 Error in description of cycles of %1 !Parameters: %1 = --Definitions: The cycle description sc.com, uc.com contains a line that cannot be interpreted.This line is output via .Remedy: --105053 No cycle available in current line !Definitions: The editor's cursor is in a line that does not contain a cycle.