Contents - Preface
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- General safety instructions
- Warranty and liability for application examples
- Industrial security
- Fundamental Geometrical Principles
- Polar coordinates
- Absolute dimensions
- Incremental dimension
- Working planes
- Zero points and reference points
- Coordinate systems
- Basic coordinate system (BCS)
- Basic zero system (BZS)
- Settable zero system (SZS)
- Workpiece coordinate system (WCS)
- Fundamental Principles of NC Programming
- Structure and contents of an NC program
- Block rules
- Value assignments
- Skipping blocks
- Creating an NC program
- Available characters
- Program header
- Program examples
- Example 2: NC program for turning
- Example 3: NC program for milling
- Tool change
- Tool change with active tool management
- Tool change with active tool management with M6
- Tool change with deactivated tool management
- Behavior with faulty T programming
- Tool offsets
- Tool radius compensation
- Tool compensation memory
- Tool types
- Milling tools
- Drills
- Grinding tools
- Turning tools
- Special tools
- Activating / deactivating tool offsets (D, D0)
- Suppressing tool offsets (SUPD)
- Programmable tool offset (TOFFL, TOFF, TOFFR, TOFFLR)
- Spindle motion
- Tool cutting speed (SVC)
- Constant cutting rate (G96/G961/G962, G97/G971/G972, G973, LIMS, SCC)
- Switching constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPSON, GWPSOF) on/off
- Programmable spindle speed limitation (G25, G26)
- Feed control
- Traverse positioning axes (POS, POSA, POSP, FA, WAITP, WAITMC)
- Position-controlled spindle mode (SPCON, SPCOF)
- Positioning spindles (SPOS, SPOSA, M19, M70, WAITS)
- Feedrate for positioning axes / spindles (FA, FPR, FPRAON, FPRAOF)
- Programmable feedrate override (OVR, OVRRAP, OVRA)
- Feedrate with handwheel override (FD, FDA)
- Feedrate optimization for curved path sections (CFTCP, CFC, CFIN)
- Several feedrate values in one block (F, ST, SR, FMA, STA, SRA)
- Non-modal feedrate (FB)
- Tooth feedrate (G95 FZ)
- Geometry settings
- Settable work offset (G54 to G57, G505 to G599, G53, G500, SUPA, G153): Further information
- Selection of the working plane (G17/G18/G19)
- Dimensions
- Absolute dimensions (G90, AC)
- Incremental dimensions (G91, IC)
- Absolute and incremental dimensions for turning and milling (G90/G91)
- Absolute dimensions for rotary axes (DC, ACP, ACN)
- Metric/inch dimension system (G70/G71, G700/G710)
- Axis-specific diameter/radius programming (DIAMONA, DIAM90A, DIAMOFA DIACYCOFA, DIAMCHANA, DIAMCHAN, DAC, DIC, RAC, RIC)
- Position of workpiece for turning
- Motion commands
- Travel commands with Cartesian coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, X..., Y
- Travel commands with polar coordinates
- Travel commands with polar coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, AP, RP)
- Rapid traverse movements
- Switch on/off linear interpolation for rapid traverse movements (RTLION, RTLIOF)
- Adapt tolerances for rapid traverse motion (STOLF, CTOLG0, OTOLG0)
- Linear interpolation (G1)
- Circular interpolation
- Circular interpolation with center point and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., I... J... K...)
- Circular interpolation with radius and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., CR)
- Circular interpolation with opening angle and end point / center point (G2/G3, X... Y Z... / I... J... K
- Circular interpolation with polar coordinates (G2/G3, AP, RP)
- Circular interpolation with tangential transition (CT, X... Y... Z...)
- Helical interpolation (G2/G3, TURN)
- Involute interpolation (INVCW, INVCCW)
- Contour definitions
- Contour definitions: One straight line
- Contour definitions: Two straight lines
- Contour definitions: Three straight lines
- Contour definitions: End point programming with angle
- Thread cutting
- Thread cutting with increasing or decreasing lead (G34, G35)
- Programmed run-in and run-out path for G33, G34 and G35 (DITS, DITE)
- Fast retraction during thread cutting (LFON, LFOF, DILF, ALF, LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS POLF, POLFMASK, POLFMLIN)
- Convex thread (G335, G336)
- Tapping without compensating chuck
- Example: Tapping with G331 / G332
- Example: Application of the second gear-stage data block
- Example: Gearbox stage cannot be changed, gearbox stage monitoring
- Tapping with compensating chuck
- Chamfer, rounding (CHF, CHR, RND, RNDM, FRC, FRCM)
- Approaching and leaving contour (NORM, KONT, KONTC, KONTT)
- Compensation at the outside corners (G450, G451, DISC)
- Smooth approach and retraction
- Approach and retraction with extended retraction strategies (G460, G461, G462)
- Activation/deactivation of collision detection ("bottleneck detection") (CDON, CDOF CDOF2)
- D tool offset (CUT2D, CUT2DD, CUT2DF, CUT2DFD)
- Keep tool radius compensation constant (CUTCONON, CUTCONOF)
- Tools with a relevant cutting edge position
- Path action
- Continuous-path mode (G64, G641, G642, G643, G644, G645, ADIS, ADISPOS)
- Coordinate transformations (frames)
- Frame instructions
- Programmable work offset (TRANS, ATRANS)
- Programmable work offset (G58, G59)
- Programmable rotation (ROT, AROT, RPL)
- Programmable frame rotations with solid angles (ROTS, AROTS, CROTS)
- Programmable scaling factor (SCALE, ASCALE)
- Programmable mirroring (MIRROR, AMIRROR)
- Frame generation according to tool orientation (TOFRAME, TOROT, PAROT)
- Deselect frame (G53, G153, SUPA, G500)
- Programming: Deselecting overlays axis-specifically (CORROF)
- Deselecting additive work offsets (DRFROF)
- Grinding-specific work offsets (GFRAME0, GFRAME1 ... GFRAME100)
- Auxiliary function outputs
- M functions
- Supplementary commands
- Writing string in OPI variable (WRTPR)
- Working area limitation
- Working area limitation in WCS/SZS (WALCS0 ... WALCS10)
- Reference point approach (G74)
- Approaching a fixed point (G75)
- Travel to fixed stop (FXS, FXST, FXSW)
- Dwell time (G4)
- Internal preprocessing stop
- Other information
- Special axes
- Channel axes
- Synchronized axes
- Command axes
- Lead link axes
- From travel command to machine movement
- Addresses
- Names
- Constants
- Operators and arithmetic functions
- Flexible NC programming
- System data
- Predefined user variables: Channel-specific arithmetic parameters (R)
- Predefined user variables: Global arithmetic parameters (RG)
- Predefined user variables: Link variables
- Definition of user variables (DEF)
- Redefinition of system data, user data, and NC commands (REDEF)
- Attribute: Initialization value
- Attribute: Limit values (LLI, ULI)
- Attribute: Physical unit (PHU)
- Attribute: Access rights (APR, APW, APRP, APWP, APRB, APWB)
- Overview of definable and redefinable attributes
- Definition and initialization of array variables (DEF, SET, REP)
- Data types
- Variable minimum, maximum and range (MINVAL, MAXVAL and BOUND)
- Check availability of a variable (ISVAR)
- Possible type conversions
- Indirect programming
- Indirectly programming G commands
- Indirectly programming position attributes (GP)
- Indirectly programming part program lines (EXECSTRING)
- Instructions
- Comparison and logic operations
- Priority of the operations
- Roundup (ROUNDUP)
- String operations
- Type conversion to STRING (AXSTRING)
- Concatenation of strings (<<)
- Conversion to lower/upper case letters (TOLOWER, TOUPPER)
- Determine length of string (STRLEN)
- Search for character/string in the string (INDEX, RINDEX, MINDEX, MATCH)
- Selection of a substring (SUBSTR)
- Reading and writing of individual characters
- Formatting a string (SPRINT)
- Program jumps and branches
- Program jumps to jump markers (GOTOB, GOTOF, GOTO, GOTOC)
- Program branch (CASE ... OF ... DEFAULT
- Repeat program section (REPEAT, REPEATB, ENDLABEL, P)
- Check structures
- Conditional statement and branch (IF, ELSE, ENDIF)
- Continuous program loop (LOOP, ENDLOOP)
- Count loop (FOR ... TO
- Program loop with condition at start of loop (WHILE, ENDWHILE)
- Program loop with condition at the end of the loop (REPEAT, UNTIL)
- Program example with nested check structures
- Macro technique (DEFINE ... AS)
- Subprogram technique
- Subprogram names
- Nesting of subprograms
- Search path
- Parameter transfer
- Definition of a subprogram
- Subprogram with call-by-reference parameter transfer (PROC, VAR)
- Save modal G functions (SAVE)
- Suppress single block execution (SBLOF, SBLON)
- Suppress current block display (DISPLOF, DISPLON, ACTBLOCNO)
- Identifying subprograms with preparation (PREPRO)
- Subprogram return M17
- RET subprogram return
- Parameterizable subprogram return jump (RET ...)
- Parameterizable subprogram return jump (RETB
- Subprogram call
- Subprogram call with parameter transfer (EXTERN)
- Number of program repetitions (P)
- Modal subprogram call (MCALL)
- Indirect subprogram call (CALL)
- Indirect subprogram call with specification of the calling program part (CALL BLOCK TO ...)
- Indirect call of a program programmed in ISO language (ISOCALL)
- Call subprogram with path specification and parameters (PCALL)
- Extend search path for subprogram calls (CALLPATH)
- Execute external subroutine (EXTCALL)
- Interrupt routine (ASUB)
- Creating an interrupt routine
- Deactivating/reactivating the assignment of an interrupt routine (DISABLE, ENABLE)
- Fast retraction from the contour (SETINT LIFTFAST, ALF)
- Traversing direction for fast retraction from the contour
- Motion sequence for interrupt routines
- File and Program Management
- External program memory
- Addressing program memory files
- Search path for subprogram call
- Interrogating the path and file name
- File handling
- Delete file (DELETE)
- Read lines in the file (READ)
- Check for presence of file (ISFILE)
- Protection zones
- Activating/deactivating protection zones (CPROT, NPROT)
- Checking for protection zone violation, working area limitation and software limit switches (CALCPOSI)
- Special motion commands
- Spline group (SPLINEPATH)
- Activating/deactivating NC block compression (COMPON, COMPCURV, COMPCAD COMPSURF, COMPOF)
- Polynomial interpolation (POLY, POLYPATH, PO, PL)
- Settable path reference (SPATH, UPATH)
- Channel-specific measuring (MEAS, MEAW)
- Axis-specific measurement (MEASA, MEAWA, MEAC) (option)
- Special functions for OEM users (OMA1 ... OMA5, OEMIPO1, OEMIPO2, G810 ... G829)
- Feedrate reduction with corner deceleration (FENDNORM, G62, G621)
- Programmable end of motion criteria (FINEA, COARSEA, IPOENDA, IPOBRKA ADISPOSA)
- Predefined frame variable ($P_CHBFRAME, $P_IFRAME, $P_PFRAME P_ACTFRAME)
- Value assignments to frames
- Reading and changing frame components (TR, FI, RT, SC, MI)
- Calculating with frames
- Definition of frame variables (DEF FRAME)
- Coarse and fine offsets (CTRANS, CFINE)
- External zero offset ($AA_ETRANS)
- Set actual value with loss of the referencing status (PRESETON)
- Set actual value without loss of the referencing status (PRESETONS)
- Frame calculation from three measuring points in space (MEAFRAME)
- Global frames
- Channel-specific frames ($P_CHBFR, $P_UBFR)
- Frames active in the channel
- Transformations
- Orientation movements for transformations
- Overview of orientation transformation TRAORI
- Three, four and five axis transformation (TRAORI)
- Variants of orientation programming and initial setting (ORIRESET)
- Programming the tool orientation (A..., B..., C..., LEAD, TILT)
- Face milling (A4, B4, C4, A5, B5, C5)
- Reference of the orientation axes (ORIWKS, ORIMKS)
- Orientation programming along the peripheral surface of a taper (ORIPLANE ORICONCW, ORICONCCW, ORICONTO, ORICONIO)
- Specification of orientation for two contact points (ORICURVE, PO[XH]=, PO[YH PO[ZH]=)
- Orientation polynomials (PO[angle], PO[coordinate])
- Rotations of the tool orientation (ORIROTA, ORIROTR, ORIROTT, ORIROTC, THETA)
- Orientations relative to the path
- Rotation of the tool orientation relative to the path (ORIPATH, ORIPATHS, angle of rotation)
- Interpolation of the tool rotation relative to the path (ORIROTC, THETA)
- Smoothing of orientation characteristic (ORIPATHS A8=, B8=, C8=)
- Compression of the orientation (COMPON, COMPCURV, COMPCAD, COMPSURF)
- Compression of the orientation (COMPCAD, COMPSURF)
- Activating/deactivating the orientation characteristic (ORISON, ORISOF)
- Kinematic transformation
- Activate cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
- Activating an oblique angle transformation with programmable angle (TRAANG)
- Oblique plunge-cutting on grinding machines (G5, G7)
- Activate concatenated transformation (TRACON)
- Cartesian PTP travel
- Specify the position of the joints (STAT)
- Specify the sign of the axis angle (TU)
- Example 1: PTP travel of a 6-axis robot with ROBX transformation
- Example 2: PTP travel for generic 5-axis transformation
- Example 3: PTPG0 and TRANSMIT
- Constraints when selecting a transformation
- Deselecting a transformation (TRAFOOF)
- Kinematic chains
- Index determination by means of names (NAMETOINT)
- Collision avoidance with kinematic chains
- Request recalculation of the machine model of the collision avoidance (PROTA)
- Setting the protection zone status (PROTS)
- Transformation with kinematic chains
- Additive offsets
- Specify wear and setup values ($TC_SCPxy[t,d], $TC_ECPxy[t,d])
- Special handling of tool offsets
- Mirroring of tool lengths
- Coordinate system of the active machining operation (TOWSTD, TOWMCS, TOWWCS TOWBCS, TOWTCS, TOWKCS)
- Tool length and plane change
- Online tool offset
- Write online tool offset continuously (PUTFTOCF)
- Write online tool offset, discrete (PUTFTOC)
- Activate/deactivate online tool offset (FTOCON/FTOCOF)
- Selecting 3D tool radius compensation for the 3D face milling (CUT3DF, CUT3DFS CUT3DFF, CUT3DFD)
- D circumferential milling taking into account a limitation surface (CUT3DCC CUT3DCCD)
- Tool orientation (ORIC, ORID, OSOF, OSC, OSS, OSSE, ORIS, OSD, OST)
- Free assignment of D numbers, cutting edge numbers
- Free assignment of D numbers: Invalidate D numbers (DZERO)
- Tool length compensation for orientable toolholders (TCARR, TCOABS, TCOFR TCOFRX, TCOFRY, TCOFRZ)
- Modifying the orientable tool carrier according to the machine measurement (CORRTC)
- Online tool length compensation (TOFFON, TOFFOF)
- Modification of the offset data for rotatable tools
- Activating the modification of the offset data for rotatable tools (CUTMOD, CUTMODK)
- Working with tool environments
- Delete tool environment (DELTOOLENV)
- Read T, D and DL number (GETTENV)
- Read information about the saved tool environments ($P_TOOLENVN, ($P_TOOLENV)
- Change tool components (SETTCOR)
- Read the assignment of the tool lengths L1, L2, L3 to the coordinate axes (LENTOAX)
- Path traversing behavior
- Acceleration behavior
- Influence of acceleration on following axes (VELOLIMA, ACCLIMA, JERKLIMA)
- Activation of technology-specific dynamic values (DYNNORM, DYNPOS, DYNROUGH DYNSEMIFIN, DYNFINISH, DYNPREC)
- Traversing with feedforward control (FFWON, FFWOF)
- Program sequence with preprocessing memory (STOPFIFO, STARTFIFO, FIFOCTRL STOPRE)
- Defining a stop delay range (DELAYFSTON, DELAYFSTOF)
- Prevent program position for SERUPRO (IPTRLOCK, IPTRUNLOCK)
- Influencing the motion control
- Adapting the maximum axis velocity or spindle speed (VELOLIM)
- Programming contour/orientation tolerance (CTOL, OTOL, ATOL)
- Block change behavior with active coupling (CPBC)
- Axis functions
- Transfer axis to another channel (AXTOCHAN)
- Replaceable geometry axes (GEOAX)
- Wait for valid axis position (WAITENC)
- Programmable parameter set changeover (SCPARA)
- Activate/deactivate adaptation (CADAPTON, CADAPTOF)
- Adapting the FIR jerk filter to the dynamic mode (CALCFIR)
- Axis couplings
- Curve tables (CTAB)
- Check for presence of curve table (CTABEXISTS)
- Delete curve tables (CTABDEL)
- Locking curve tables to prevent deletion and overwriting (CTABLOCK, CTABUNLOCK)
- Curve tables: Determine table properties (CTABID, CTABISLOCK, CTABMEMTYP CTABPERIOD)
- Axial master value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
- Electronic gear (EG)
- Switch-in the electronic gearbox (EGON, EGONSYN, EGONSYNE)
- Switching-in the electronic gearbox (EGOFS, EGOFC)
- Deleting the definition of an electronic gear (EGDEL)
- Synchronous spindle
- Generic coupling (CP...)
- Tangential control
- Activating intermediate block generation (TLIFT)
- Activating the coupling (TANGON)
- Deactivating the coupling (TANGOF)
- Synchronized actions
- Oscillation
- Oscillation controlled by synchronized actions (OSCILL)
- Punching and nibbling
- Automatic path segmentation
- Path segmentation for path axes
- Path segmentation for single axes
- Grinding
- Extended stop and retract (ESR)
- NC-controlled ESR
- NC-controlled stopping
- Drive-integrated ESR
- Configuring drive-integrated retraction (ESRS)
- Program runtime/part counter
- Workpiece counter
- Additional functions
- Check scope of NC language present (STRINGIS)
- Interactively call the window from the part program (MMC)
- Process DataShare - Output to an external device/file (EXTOPEN, WRITE EXTCLOSE)
- Alarms (SETAL)
- Define blank (WORKPIECE)
- Switch language mode (G290, G291)
- User stock removal programs
- Generate coded contour table (CONTDCON)
- Determine point of intersection between two contour elements (INTERSEC)
- Execute the contour elements of a table block-by-block (EXECTAB)
- Calculate circle data (CALCDAT)
- Deactivate contour preparation (EXECUTE)
- Programming cycles externally
- Technology-specific overview
- HOLES1 – row position pattern
- POCKET3 – rectangular pocket
- POCKET4 – circular pocket
- SLOT1 - longitudinal slot
- SLOT2 - circumferential slot
- LONGHOLE - elongated hole
- CYCLE60 – engraving
- CYCLE61 - Face milling
- CYCLE62 - contour call
- CYCLE64 - Predrilling contour pocket
- CYCLE70 - thread milling
- CYCLE72 - Path milling
- CYCLE76 – rectangular spigot
- CYCLE77 – circular spigot
- CYCLE78 - Drill thread milling
- CYCLE79 - multi-edge
- CYCLE81 - drilling, centering
- CYCLE82 - drilling, counterboring
- CYCLE83 – deep-hole drilling 1
- CYCLE84 - tapping without compensating chuck
- CYCLE85 - reaming
- CYCLE86 - boring
- CYCLE92 - cut-off
- CYCLE95 - contour cutting
- CYCLE98 - thread chain
- CYCLE99 - thread turning
- CYCLE435 - Set dresser coordinate system
- CYCLE782 - adjust to load
- CYCLE800 – swivel plane / swivel tool / align tool
- CYCLE801 – grid or frame position pattern
- CYCLE802 - arbitrary positions
- CYCLE830 - deep-hole drilling 2
- CYCLE832 - High-Speed Settings
- CYCLE840 - tapping with compensating chuck
- CYCLE899 – open slot
- CYCLE930 - groove
- CYCLE940 – undercut form E and F / undercut thread
- CYCLE951 - stock removal
- CYCLE952 – stock removal / residual stock removal / plunge cutting / residual plunge cutting / plunge turning / residual plunge turning
- CYCLE4071 - longitudinal grinding with infeed at the reversal point
- CYCLE4072 - longitudinal grinding with infeed at the reversal point and cancel signal
- CYCLE4073 - longitudinal grinding with continuous infeed
- CYCLE4074 - longitudinal grinding with continuous infeed and cancel signal
- CYCLE4075 - surface grinding with infeed at the reversal point
- CYCLE4077 - surface grinding with infeed at the reversal point and cancel signal
- CYCLE4078 - surface grinding with continuous infeed
- CYCLE4079 - surface grinding with intermittent infeed
- GROUP_BEGIN - beginning of program block
- GROUP_ADDEND - End of trial cut addition
- Measuring cycles
- Overview of measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE974 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE994 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE976 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE978 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE998 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE977 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE961 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE979 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE997 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE995 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE996 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE9960 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE982 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE971 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE150 measuring cycle parameters
- Operations
- Fixed addresses
- Settable addresses
- G commands
- G group 2: Non-modally valid motion, dwell time
- G group 4: FIFO
- G group 8: Settable work offset
- G group 11: Exact stop, non-modal
- G group 14: Workpiece measuring absolute/incremental
- G group 16: Feedrate override at inside and outside curvature
- G group 20: Curve transition at end of spline
- G group 23: Collision monitoring at inside contours
- G group 27: Tool offset for change in orientation at outside corners
- G group 31: OEM G commands
- G group 33: Settable fine tool offset
- G group 37: Feedrate profile
- G group 42: Tool carrier
- G group 46: Plane selection for fast retraction
- G group 50: Orientation programming
- G group 52: Frame rotation in relation to workpiece
- G group 55: Rapid traverse with/without linear interpolation
- G group 60: Working area limitation
- G group 64: Grinding frames
- Predefined procedures
- Predefined procedures in synchronized actions
- Predefined functions
- Currently set language in the HMI
- A.1 List of abbreviations
- A.2 Documentation overview
- Index
System variable Meaning$AC_TOFFL[]with 0 ≤ n ≤ 3Reads the current offset value of TOFFL (for n = 0) or TOFFL[1...3] (forn = 1, 2, 3) in the main run context (synchronized actions).$AC_TOFF[] Reads the current offset value of TOFF[] in the main run con‐text (synchronized actions).$AC_TOFFR Reads the current offset value of TOFFR in the main run context(synchronized actions).$AC_TOFFCR Reads the current offset value of the corner radius in the main run con‐text (synchronized actions).NoteThe system variables $AC_TOFFL, $AC_TOFF, AC_TOFFR and AAC_TOFFCR trigger anautomatic preprocessing stop when reading from the preprocessing context (NC program).ApplicationsThe "Programmable tool offset" function is especially interesting for ball mills and milling toolswith corner radii as these are often calculated in the CAM system to the ball center instead ofthe ball tip. However, the tool tip is generally measured when the tool is measured, and storedas tool length in the compensation memory.For the 3D tool radius compensation with a ball mill it is advantageous to correct the tool lengthand radius by the same value simultaneously. The TOFFLR address is available to the user forthis purpose.Fundamentals2.5 Tool offsetsNC programming88 Programming Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5398-2EP40-0BA0 PreviousNext |