Contents - Preface
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- General safety instructions
- Warranty and liability for application examples
- Industrial security
- Fundamental Geometrical Principles
- Polar coordinates
- Absolute dimensions
- Incremental dimension
- Working planes
- Zero points and reference points
- Coordinate systems
- Basic coordinate system (BCS)
- Basic zero system (BZS)
- Settable zero system (SZS)
- Workpiece coordinate system (WCS)
- Fundamental Principles of NC Programming
- Structure and contents of an NC program
- Block rules
- Value assignments
- Skipping blocks
- Creating an NC program
- Available characters
- Program header
- Program examples
- Example 2: NC program for turning
- Example 3: NC program for milling
- Tool change
- Tool change with active tool management
- Tool change with active tool management with M6
- Tool change with deactivated tool management
- Behavior with faulty T programming
- Tool offsets
- Tool radius compensation
- Tool compensation memory
- Tool types
- Milling tools
- Drills
- Grinding tools
- Turning tools
- Special tools
- Activating / deactivating tool offsets (D, D0)
- Suppressing tool offsets (SUPD)
- Programmable tool offset (TOFFL, TOFF, TOFFR, TOFFLR)
- Spindle motion
- Tool cutting speed (SVC)
- Constant cutting rate (G96/G961/G962, G97/G971/G972, G973, LIMS, SCC)
- Switching constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPSON, GWPSOF) on/off
- Programmable spindle speed limitation (G25, G26)
- Feed control
- Traverse positioning axes (POS, POSA, POSP, FA, WAITP, WAITMC)
- Position-controlled spindle mode (SPCON, SPCOF)
- Positioning spindles (SPOS, SPOSA, M19, M70, WAITS)
- Feedrate for positioning axes / spindles (FA, FPR, FPRAON, FPRAOF)
- Programmable feedrate override (OVR, OVRRAP, OVRA)
- Feedrate with handwheel override (FD, FDA)
- Feedrate optimization for curved path sections (CFTCP, CFC, CFIN)
- Several feedrate values in one block (F, ST, SR, FMA, STA, SRA)
- Non-modal feedrate (FB)
- Tooth feedrate (G95 FZ)
- Geometry settings
- Settable work offset (G54 to G57, G505 to G599, G53, G500, SUPA, G153): Further information
- Selection of the working plane (G17/G18/G19)
- Dimensions
- Absolute dimensions (G90, AC)
- Incremental dimensions (G91, IC)
- Absolute and incremental dimensions for turning and milling (G90/G91)
- Absolute dimensions for rotary axes (DC, ACP, ACN)
- Metric/inch dimension system (G70/G71, G700/G710)
- Axis-specific diameter/radius programming (DIAMONA, DIAM90A, DIAMOFA DIACYCOFA, DIAMCHANA, DIAMCHAN, DAC, DIC, RAC, RIC)
- Position of workpiece for turning
- Motion commands
- Travel commands with Cartesian coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, X..., Y
- Travel commands with polar coordinates
- Travel commands with polar coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, AP, RP)
- Rapid traverse movements
- Switch on/off linear interpolation for rapid traverse movements (RTLION, RTLIOF)
- Adapt tolerances for rapid traverse motion (STOLF, CTOLG0, OTOLG0)
- Linear interpolation (G1)
- Circular interpolation
- Circular interpolation with center point and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., I... J... K...)
- Circular interpolation with radius and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., CR)
- Circular interpolation with opening angle and end point / center point (G2/G3, X... Y Z... / I... J... K
- Circular interpolation with polar coordinates (G2/G3, AP, RP)
- Circular interpolation with tangential transition (CT, X... Y... Z...)
- Helical interpolation (G2/G3, TURN)
- Involute interpolation (INVCW, INVCCW)
- Contour definitions
- Contour definitions: One straight line
- Contour definitions: Two straight lines
- Contour definitions: Three straight lines
- Contour definitions: End point programming with angle
- Thread cutting
- Thread cutting with increasing or decreasing lead (G34, G35)
- Programmed run-in and run-out path for G33, G34 and G35 (DITS, DITE)
- Fast retraction during thread cutting (LFON, LFOF, DILF, ALF, LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS POLF, POLFMASK, POLFMLIN)
- Convex thread (G335, G336)
- Tapping without compensating chuck
- Example: Tapping with G331 / G332
- Example: Application of the second gear-stage data block
- Example: Gearbox stage cannot be changed, gearbox stage monitoring
- Tapping with compensating chuck
- Chamfer, rounding (CHF, CHR, RND, RNDM, FRC, FRCM)
- Approaching and leaving contour (NORM, KONT, KONTC, KONTT)
- Compensation at the outside corners (G450, G451, DISC)
- Smooth approach and retraction
- Approach and retraction with extended retraction strategies (G460, G461, G462)
- Activation/deactivation of collision detection ("bottleneck detection") (CDON, CDOF CDOF2)
- D tool offset (CUT2D, CUT2DD, CUT2DF, CUT2DFD)
- Keep tool radius compensation constant (CUTCONON, CUTCONOF)
- Tools with a relevant cutting edge position
- Path action
- Continuous-path mode (G64, G641, G642, G643, G644, G645, ADIS, ADISPOS)
- Coordinate transformations (frames)
- Frame instructions
- Programmable work offset (TRANS, ATRANS)
- Programmable work offset (G58, G59)
- Programmable rotation (ROT, AROT, RPL)
- Programmable frame rotations with solid angles (ROTS, AROTS, CROTS)
- Programmable scaling factor (SCALE, ASCALE)
- Programmable mirroring (MIRROR, AMIRROR)
- Frame generation according to tool orientation (TOFRAME, TOROT, PAROT)
- Deselect frame (G53, G153, SUPA, G500)
- Programming: Deselecting overlays axis-specifically (CORROF)
- Deselecting additive work offsets (DRFROF)
- Grinding-specific work offsets (GFRAME0, GFRAME1 ... GFRAME100)
- Auxiliary function outputs
- M functions
- Supplementary commands
- Writing string in OPI variable (WRTPR)
- Working area limitation
- Working area limitation in WCS/SZS (WALCS0 ... WALCS10)
- Reference point approach (G74)
- Approaching a fixed point (G75)
- Travel to fixed stop (FXS, FXST, FXSW)
- Dwell time (G4)
- Internal preprocessing stop
- Other information
- Special axes
- Channel axes
- Synchronized axes
- Command axes
- Lead link axes
- From travel command to machine movement
- Addresses
- Names
- Constants
- Operators and arithmetic functions
- Flexible NC programming
- System data
- Predefined user variables: Channel-specific arithmetic parameters (R)
- Predefined user variables: Global arithmetic parameters (RG)
- Predefined user variables: Link variables
- Definition of user variables (DEF)
- Redefinition of system data, user data, and NC commands (REDEF)
- Attribute: Initialization value
- Attribute: Limit values (LLI, ULI)
- Attribute: Physical unit (PHU)
- Attribute: Access rights (APR, APW, APRP, APWP, APRB, APWB)
- Overview of definable and redefinable attributes
- Definition and initialization of array variables (DEF, SET, REP)
- Data types
- Variable minimum, maximum and range (MINVAL, MAXVAL and BOUND)
- Check availability of a variable (ISVAR)
- Possible type conversions
- Indirect programming
- Indirectly programming G commands
- Indirectly programming position attributes (GP)
- Indirectly programming part program lines (EXECSTRING)
- Instructions
- Comparison and logic operations
- Priority of the operations
- Roundup (ROUNDUP)
- String operations
- Type conversion to STRING (AXSTRING)
- Concatenation of strings (<<)
- Conversion to lower/upper case letters (TOLOWER, TOUPPER)
- Determine length of string (STRLEN)
- Search for character/string in the string (INDEX, RINDEX, MINDEX, MATCH)
- Selection of a substring (SUBSTR)
- Reading and writing of individual characters
- Formatting a string (SPRINT)
- Program jumps and branches
- Program jumps to jump markers (GOTOB, GOTOF, GOTO, GOTOC)
- Program branch (CASE ... OF ... DEFAULT
- Repeat program section (REPEAT, REPEATB, ENDLABEL, P)
- Check structures
- Conditional statement and branch (IF, ELSE, ENDIF)
- Continuous program loop (LOOP, ENDLOOP)
- Count loop (FOR ... TO
- Program loop with condition at start of loop (WHILE, ENDWHILE)
- Program loop with condition at the end of the loop (REPEAT, UNTIL)
- Program example with nested check structures
- Macro technique (DEFINE ... AS)
- Subprogram technique
- Subprogram names
- Nesting of subprograms
- Search path
- Parameter transfer
- Definition of a subprogram
- Subprogram with call-by-reference parameter transfer (PROC, VAR)
- Save modal G functions (SAVE)
- Suppress single block execution (SBLOF, SBLON)
- Suppress current block display (DISPLOF, DISPLON, ACTBLOCNO)
- Identifying subprograms with preparation (PREPRO)
- Subprogram return M17
- RET subprogram return
- Parameterizable subprogram return jump (RET ...)
- Parameterizable subprogram return jump (RETB
- Subprogram call
- Subprogram call with parameter transfer (EXTERN)
- Number of program repetitions (P)
- Modal subprogram call (MCALL)
- Indirect subprogram call (CALL)
- Indirect subprogram call with specification of the calling program part (CALL BLOCK TO ...)
- Indirect call of a program programmed in ISO language (ISOCALL)
- Call subprogram with path specification and parameters (PCALL)
- Extend search path for subprogram calls (CALLPATH)
- Execute external subroutine (EXTCALL)
- Interrupt routine (ASUB)
- Creating an interrupt routine
- Deactivating/reactivating the assignment of an interrupt routine (DISABLE, ENABLE)
- Fast retraction from the contour (SETINT LIFTFAST, ALF)
- Traversing direction for fast retraction from the contour
- Motion sequence for interrupt routines
- File and Program Management
- External program memory
- Addressing program memory files
- Search path for subprogram call
- Interrogating the path and file name
- File handling
- Delete file (DELETE)
- Read lines in the file (READ)
- Check for presence of file (ISFILE)
- Protection zones
- Activating/deactivating protection zones (CPROT, NPROT)
- Checking for protection zone violation, working area limitation and software limit switches (CALCPOSI)
- Special motion commands
- Spline group (SPLINEPATH)
- Activating/deactivating NC block compression (COMPON, COMPCURV, COMPCAD COMPSURF, COMPOF)
- Polynomial interpolation (POLY, POLYPATH, PO, PL)
- Settable path reference (SPATH, UPATH)
- Channel-specific measuring (MEAS, MEAW)
- Axis-specific measurement (MEASA, MEAWA, MEAC) (option)
- Special functions for OEM users (OMA1 ... OMA5, OEMIPO1, OEMIPO2, G810 ... G829)
- Feedrate reduction with corner deceleration (FENDNORM, G62, G621)
- Programmable end of motion criteria (FINEA, COARSEA, IPOENDA, IPOBRKA ADISPOSA)
- Predefined frame variable ($P_CHBFRAME, $P_IFRAME, $P_PFRAME P_ACTFRAME)
- Value assignments to frames
- Reading and changing frame components (TR, FI, RT, SC, MI)
- Calculating with frames
- Definition of frame variables (DEF FRAME)
- Coarse and fine offsets (CTRANS, CFINE)
- External zero offset ($AA_ETRANS)
- Set actual value with loss of the referencing status (PRESETON)
- Set actual value without loss of the referencing status (PRESETONS)
- Frame calculation from three measuring points in space (MEAFRAME)
- Global frames
- Channel-specific frames ($P_CHBFR, $P_UBFR)
- Frames active in the channel
- Transformations
- Orientation movements for transformations
- Overview of orientation transformation TRAORI
- Three, four and five axis transformation (TRAORI)
- Variants of orientation programming and initial setting (ORIRESET)
- Programming the tool orientation (A..., B..., C..., LEAD, TILT)
- Face milling (A4, B4, C4, A5, B5, C5)
- Reference of the orientation axes (ORIWKS, ORIMKS)
- Orientation programming along the peripheral surface of a taper (ORIPLANE ORICONCW, ORICONCCW, ORICONTO, ORICONIO)
- Specification of orientation for two contact points (ORICURVE, PO[XH]=, PO[YH PO[ZH]=)
- Orientation polynomials (PO[angle], PO[coordinate])
- Rotations of the tool orientation (ORIROTA, ORIROTR, ORIROTT, ORIROTC, THETA)
- Orientations relative to the path
- Rotation of the tool orientation relative to the path (ORIPATH, ORIPATHS, angle of rotation)
- Interpolation of the tool rotation relative to the path (ORIROTC, THETA)
- Smoothing of orientation characteristic (ORIPATHS A8=, B8=, C8=)
- Compression of the orientation (COMPON, COMPCURV, COMPCAD, COMPSURF)
- Compression of the orientation (COMPCAD, COMPSURF)
- Activating/deactivating the orientation characteristic (ORISON, ORISOF)
- Kinematic transformation
- Activate cylinder surface transformation (TRACYL)
- Activating an oblique angle transformation with programmable angle (TRAANG)
- Oblique plunge-cutting on grinding machines (G5, G7)
- Activate concatenated transformation (TRACON)
- Cartesian PTP travel
- Specify the position of the joints (STAT)
- Specify the sign of the axis angle (TU)
- Example 1: PTP travel of a 6-axis robot with ROBX transformation
- Example 2: PTP travel for generic 5-axis transformation
- Example 3: PTPG0 and TRANSMIT
- Constraints when selecting a transformation
- Deselecting a transformation (TRAFOOF)
- Kinematic chains
- Index determination by means of names (NAMETOINT)
- Collision avoidance with kinematic chains
- Request recalculation of the machine model of the collision avoidance (PROTA)
- Setting the protection zone status (PROTS)
- Transformation with kinematic chains
- Additive offsets
- Specify wear and setup values ($TC_SCPxy[t,d], $TC_ECPxy[t,d])
- Special handling of tool offsets
- Mirroring of tool lengths
- Coordinate system of the active machining operation (TOWSTD, TOWMCS, TOWWCS TOWBCS, TOWTCS, TOWKCS)
- Tool length and plane change
- Online tool offset
- Write online tool offset continuously (PUTFTOCF)
- Write online tool offset, discrete (PUTFTOC)
- Activate/deactivate online tool offset (FTOCON/FTOCOF)
- Selecting 3D tool radius compensation for the 3D face milling (CUT3DF, CUT3DFS CUT3DFF, CUT3DFD)
- D circumferential milling taking into account a limitation surface (CUT3DCC CUT3DCCD)
- Tool orientation (ORIC, ORID, OSOF, OSC, OSS, OSSE, ORIS, OSD, OST)
- Free assignment of D numbers, cutting edge numbers
- Free assignment of D numbers: Invalidate D numbers (DZERO)
- Tool length compensation for orientable toolholders (TCARR, TCOABS, TCOFR TCOFRX, TCOFRY, TCOFRZ)
- Modifying the orientable tool carrier according to the machine measurement (CORRTC)
- Online tool length compensation (TOFFON, TOFFOF)
- Modification of the offset data for rotatable tools
- Activating the modification of the offset data for rotatable tools (CUTMOD, CUTMODK)
- Working with tool environments
- Delete tool environment (DELTOOLENV)
- Read T, D and DL number (GETTENV)
- Read information about the saved tool environments ($P_TOOLENVN, ($P_TOOLENV)
- Change tool components (SETTCOR)
- Read the assignment of the tool lengths L1, L2, L3 to the coordinate axes (LENTOAX)
- Path traversing behavior
- Acceleration behavior
- Influence of acceleration on following axes (VELOLIMA, ACCLIMA, JERKLIMA)
- Activation of technology-specific dynamic values (DYNNORM, DYNPOS, DYNROUGH DYNSEMIFIN, DYNFINISH, DYNPREC)
- Traversing with feedforward control (FFWON, FFWOF)
- Program sequence with preprocessing memory (STOPFIFO, STARTFIFO, FIFOCTRL STOPRE)
- Defining a stop delay range (DELAYFSTON, DELAYFSTOF)
- Prevent program position for SERUPRO (IPTRLOCK, IPTRUNLOCK)
- Influencing the motion control
- Adapting the maximum axis velocity or spindle speed (VELOLIM)
- Programming contour/orientation tolerance (CTOL, OTOL, ATOL)
- Block change behavior with active coupling (CPBC)
- Axis functions
- Transfer axis to another channel (AXTOCHAN)
- Replaceable geometry axes (GEOAX)
- Wait for valid axis position (WAITENC)
- Programmable parameter set changeover (SCPARA)
- Activate/deactivate adaptation (CADAPTON, CADAPTOF)
- Adapting the FIR jerk filter to the dynamic mode (CALCFIR)
- Axis couplings
- Curve tables (CTAB)
- Check for presence of curve table (CTABEXISTS)
- Delete curve tables (CTABDEL)
- Locking curve tables to prevent deletion and overwriting (CTABLOCK, CTABUNLOCK)
- Curve tables: Determine table properties (CTABID, CTABISLOCK, CTABMEMTYP CTABPERIOD)
- Axial master value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF)
- Electronic gear (EG)
- Switch-in the electronic gearbox (EGON, EGONSYN, EGONSYNE)
- Switching-in the electronic gearbox (EGOFS, EGOFC)
- Deleting the definition of an electronic gear (EGDEL)
- Synchronous spindle
- Generic coupling (CP...)
- Tangential control
- Activating intermediate block generation (TLIFT)
- Activating the coupling (TANGON)
- Deactivating the coupling (TANGOF)
- Synchronized actions
- Oscillation
- Oscillation controlled by synchronized actions (OSCILL)
- Punching and nibbling
- Automatic path segmentation
- Path segmentation for path axes
- Path segmentation for single axes
- Grinding
- Extended stop and retract (ESR)
- NC-controlled ESR
- NC-controlled stopping
- Drive-integrated ESR
- Configuring drive-integrated retraction (ESRS)
- Program runtime/part counter
- Workpiece counter
- Additional functions
- Check scope of NC language present (STRINGIS)
- Interactively call the window from the part program (MMC)
- Process DataShare - Output to an external device/file (EXTOPEN, WRITE EXTCLOSE)
- Alarms (SETAL)
- Define blank (WORKPIECE)
- Switch language mode (G290, G291)
- User stock removal programs
- Generate coded contour table (CONTDCON)
- Determine point of intersection between two contour elements (INTERSEC)
- Execute the contour elements of a table block-by-block (EXECTAB)
- Calculate circle data (CALCDAT)
- Deactivate contour preparation (EXECUTE)
- Programming cycles externally
- Technology-specific overview
- HOLES1 – row position pattern
- POCKET3 – rectangular pocket
- POCKET4 – circular pocket
- SLOT1 - longitudinal slot
- SLOT2 - circumferential slot
- LONGHOLE - elongated hole
- CYCLE60 – engraving
- CYCLE61 - Face milling
- CYCLE62 - contour call
- CYCLE64 - Predrilling contour pocket
- CYCLE70 - thread milling
- CYCLE72 - Path milling
- CYCLE76 – rectangular spigot
- CYCLE77 – circular spigot
- CYCLE78 - Drill thread milling
- CYCLE79 - multi-edge
- CYCLE81 - drilling, centering
- CYCLE82 - drilling, counterboring
- CYCLE83 – deep-hole drilling 1
- CYCLE84 - tapping without compensating chuck
- CYCLE85 - reaming
- CYCLE86 - boring
- CYCLE92 - cut-off
- CYCLE95 - contour cutting
- CYCLE98 - thread chain
- CYCLE99 - thread turning
- CYCLE435 - Set dresser coordinate system
- CYCLE782 - adjust to load
- CYCLE800 – swivel plane / swivel tool / align tool
- CYCLE801 – grid or frame position pattern
- CYCLE802 - arbitrary positions
- CYCLE830 - deep-hole drilling 2
- CYCLE832 - High-Speed Settings
- CYCLE840 - tapping with compensating chuck
- CYCLE899 – open slot
- CYCLE930 - groove
- CYCLE940 – undercut form E and F / undercut thread
- CYCLE951 - stock removal
- CYCLE952 – stock removal / residual stock removal / plunge cutting / residual plunge cutting / plunge turning / residual plunge turning
- CYCLE4071 - longitudinal grinding with infeed at the reversal point
- CYCLE4072 - longitudinal grinding with infeed at the reversal point and cancel signal
- CYCLE4073 - longitudinal grinding with continuous infeed
- CYCLE4074 - longitudinal grinding with continuous infeed and cancel signal
- CYCLE4075 - surface grinding with infeed at the reversal point
- CYCLE4077 - surface grinding with infeed at the reversal point and cancel signal
- CYCLE4078 - surface grinding with continuous infeed
- CYCLE4079 - surface grinding with intermittent infeed
- GROUP_BEGIN - beginning of program block
- GROUP_ADDEND - End of trial cut addition
- Measuring cycles
- Overview of measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE974 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE994 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE976 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE978 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE998 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE977 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE961 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE979 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE997 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE995 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE996 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE9960 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE982 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE971 measuring cycle parameters
- CYCLE150 measuring cycle parameters
- Operations
- Fixed addresses
- Settable addresses
- G commands
- G group 2: Non-modally valid motion, dwell time
- G group 4: FIFO
- G group 8: Settable work offset
- G group 11: Exact stop, non-modal
- G group 14: Workpiece measuring absolute/incremental
- G group 16: Feedrate override at inside and outside curvature
- G group 20: Curve transition at end of spline
- G group 23: Collision monitoring at inside contours
- G group 27: Tool offset for change in orientation at outside corners
- G group 31: OEM G commands
- G group 33: Settable fine tool offset
- G group 37: Feedrate profile
- G group 42: Tool carrier
- G group 46: Plane selection for fast retraction
- G group 50: Orientation programming
- G group 52: Frame rotation in relation to workpiece
- G group 55: Rapid traverse with/without linear interpolation
- G group 60: Working area limitation
- G group 64: Grinding frames
- Predefined procedures
- Predefined procedures in synchronized actions
- Predefined functions
- Currently set language in the HMI
- A.1 List of abbreviations
- A.2 Documentation overview
- Index
Master/slave couplingIdentifier Parameter Explanation1. - n.MASLON AXIS:Axis identifierSwitch on master/slave couplingMASLOF AXIS:Axis identifierSeparate master/slave couplingMASLOFS AXIS:Axis identifierSeparate master/slave coupling and automatically brake slave spin‐dlesMASLDEF AXIS:Axis identifierDefine master/slave couplingThe last axis is the master axisMASLDEL AXIS:Axis identifierSeparate master/slave coupling and delete the definition of the group‐ingOnline tool length offsetIdentifier Parameter Explanation1. 2.TOFFON AXIS:Offset direc‐tionREAL:Offset valuein offset direc‐tionActivate online tool length offset in the specified offset directionTOFFOF AXIS:Offset direc‐tionReset online tool length offset in the specified offset directionSERUPROIdentifier Parameter ExplanationIPTRLOCK Start of untraceable program sectionIPTRUNLOCK End of search-suppressed program sectionRetractionIdentifier Parameter Explanation1. - n.POLFMASK AXIS:Geometry or machine axis nameEnable axes for rapid retraction(without a connection between theaxes)POLFMLIN AXIS:Geometry or machine axis nameEnable axes for linear rapid retrac‐tionTables4.4 Predefined proceduresNC programming1286 Programming Manual, 12/2019, 6FC5398-2EP40-0BA0 PreviousNext |