Tool management9.9 Sorting tool management listsUniversalOperating Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5398-6AP40-0BA0 2139.9 Sorting tool management listsWhen you are working with many tools, with large magazines or several magazines, it isuseful to display the tools sorted according to different criteria. Then you will be able to find aspecific tool more quickly in the lists.Procedure1. Select the "Parameter" operating area....2. Press the "Tool list", "Tool wear" or "Magazine" softkey.3. Press the ">>" and "Sort" softkeys.The lists are displayed sorted numerically according to magazinelocation.Tool types are used to sort tools with the same magazine location.Identical types (e.g. milling cutters), in turn, are sorted according to theirradius value.4. Press the "Acc. to type" softkey to display the tools arranged by tooltype. Identical types (e.g. milling cutters) are sorted according to theirradius value.- OR -Press the "Acc. to name" softkey to display the tool names inalphabetical order.The replacement tool numbers are used to sort tools with the samenames.- OR -Press the "Acc. to T number" softkey to display the tools names sortednumerically.The list is sorted according to the specified criteria.Machine manufacturerPlease refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.