Teaching in a program12.4 Teach-in via WindowsTurning596 Operating Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5398-8CP40-3BA012.4.4 Teaching in circle intermediate and circle end point CIPEnter the intermediate and end positions for the circle interpolation CIP. You teach-in each ofthese separately in a separate block. The order in which you program these two points is notspecified.NoteMake sure that the cursor position does not change during teach-in of the two positions.You teach-in the intermediate position in the "Circle intermediate position CIP" window.You teach-in the end position in the "Circle end position CIP" window.The intermediate or interpolation point is only taught-in with geometry axes. For this reason,at least 2 geometry axes must be set up for the transfer.NoteSelection of axes for teach inYou can select the axes to be included in the teach-in block in the "Settings" window.12.4.5 Teach-in A splineFor Akima-spline interpolation, you enter interpolation points that are connected by a smoothcurve.Enter a starting point and specify a transition at the beginning and end.You teach-in each interpolation point via "Teach in of position".Software optionYou require the "Spline-Interpolation" option for A Spline interpolation.NoteThe relevant option bit must be set to enable you to program a spline interpolation.Machine manufacturerPlease refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.