Kinematic Transformation (M1)TRANSMITExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2009, 6FC5397-1BP10-4BA0 5297.2.10 ConstraintsLook AheadAll functions requiring Look Ahead (traversal through pole, Look Ahead) work satisfactorilyonly if the relevant axis motions can be calculated exactly in advance. With TRANSMIT, thisapplies to the rotary axis and the linear axis perpendicular to it. If one of these axes is thepositioning axis, then the Look Ahead function is deactivated by alarm 10912 and theconventional online velocity check activated instead.Selection of methodThe user is responsible for making the optimum choice of "Traversal through pole" or"Rotation around pole".Several pole traversalsA block can traverse the pole any number of times (e.g. programming of a helix with severalturns). The part program block is subdivided into a corresponding number of sub-blocks.Analogously, blocks which rotate several times around the pole are likewise divided into sub-blocks.Rotary axis as modulo axisThe rotary axis can be a modulo rotary axis. However, this is not a mandatory requirementas was the case in SW 2 and 3. The relevant restrictions applying in SW 2 and 3 have beeneliminated in SW 4.Rotary axis as spindleIf the rotary axis without transformation is used as a spindle, it must be switched to position-controlled mode with SPOS before the transformation is selected.TRANSMIT with supplementary linear axisWith active TRANSMIT, the channel identifier of posBCS[ax[3]] must have another name inthe part program, like the geometry axes. If posBCS[ax[3]] is written only outside theTRANSMIT transformation, this restriction does not apply if the axis has been assigned to ageometry axis. With active TRANSMIT, no contour information is processed via ax[3].REPOSIt is possible to reposition on the sub-blocks produced as a result of the extended TRANSMITfunction in SW 4. In this case, the control uses the first sub-block that is closest to therepositioning point in the BCS.Block searchIn the case of block search with calculation, the block end point (of the last sub-block) isapproached in cases where intermediate blocks have been generated as the result of theextended functionality in SW 4.