Compensations (K3)Neural quadrant error compensationExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2009, 6FC5397-1BP10-4BA0 433NoteThe circularity test is an integral component of HMI Advanced. The commissioning toolmust be used with HMI Embedded.Learning motionThe axis traversing motions that must be executed to learn a specific response aregenerated by an NC program. Each learning motion of the sample learning cycle comprisesa group of NC blocks with parabolic movements (ensuring that the axis traverses at the mostconstant possible setpoint speed after the zero crossing; see diagram below) in which theaxes oscillate at constant acceleration in each program section. The acceleration isdecreased from group to group. In the diagram below, NC blocks 2 to 3, 5 to 6 and 8 to 9each form a group; the transitional movements to lower acceleration rates are programmedin blocks 1, 4, 7 and 10.NoteSo that the learning parameters act as preset, the feedrate override switch must be set to100% during the learning phase.7LPH3RVLWLRQEDVHG0HDVXUHPHQWWLPH6HW Figure 5-30 Typical traverse motion of an axis when learning the QEC characteristicAssignment of system variablesBefore a learning cycle is called, all QEC system variables must be set to the valuesrequired for the learning process. The values recommended in the reference NC programmust be checked and changed if necessary (see Section "Parameterization of neural QEC").