Mode Groups, Channels, Axis Replacement (K5)Axis/spindle replacementExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 03/2009, 6FC5397-1BP10-4BA0 4916.4.11 Axis replacement with and without preprocessing stopAxis replacement extension without preprocessing stopInstead of a GET block with a preprocessing stop, this GET request only generates anintermediate block. In the main run, when this block is executed, the system checks whetherthe states of the axes in the block match the current axis states. If they do not match, forcedreorganization can be triggered.The following states of an axis or positioned spindle are checked for:● The mode, either for the axis or for positioned spindle● Setpoint positionThe following states of a Spindle in speed mode are checked:● Spindle mode: Speed mode● Spindle speed S● Direction of rotation M3, M4● Gear stage M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M45● Master spindle at constant cutting rate.In some instances, forced reorganization may be possible. Reorganization of the followingaxes is forced in any case.ActivationReplacement without preprocessing and checking of the current states is activated withmachine data MD10722 $MN_AXCHANGE_MASK, Bit 2=1.ExampleActivating an axis replacement without a preprocessing stopN010 M4 S1000N011 G4 F2N020 M5N021 SPOS=0N022 POS[B]=1N023 WAITP(B) ; Axis b becomes the neutral axisN030 X1 F10N031 X100 F500N032 X200N040 M3 S500N041 G4 F2N050 M5N099 M30If the spindle (axis B) is traversed immediately after block N023 as a PLC axis to 180° andback to 1°, and then again to the neutral axis, block N040 does not trigger a preprocessingstop nor a reorganization.